kolokwium 3.1

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Domanda English Risposta English
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an idea or activity, especially in politics or business, that suddenly becomes very popular
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a quantity of a substance needed or produced at one time
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to try to be like someone else
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to start an organization, company etc
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a skill or ability
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to help someone or something to develop
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a shop where a particular product is sold
ring up
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to make or lose a particular amount of money in sales
rub shoulders with
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to meet and talk to important or famous people
sing somebody's praises
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to talk about how good someone or something is
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the part of business that you own cause you have invested money in it
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to want something a lot, especially something that you cannot have
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something such as money or property that a company owns
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relating to homes
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a job or action that has not been yet completed
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the things that you say to persuade someone to buy something
raw materials
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such as coal or iron that are in their natural state before being processed
strain (on)
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pressure cause by a difficult situation
temping agency
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a business that provides a service for companies by supplying temporary staff
track record
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your reputation, based on things you have done or not done
weed out
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to remove a person or thing that is not suitable or good enough
black tie
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very formal men's clothes worn for a social event
fancy dress
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clothes that you wear for fun to make you look like a particular famous person
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a factory that produces power
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using methods that do not harm the environment
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difficult to deal with and embarrassing
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to deliberately give a false idea to someone about what you intend to do
do your homework
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to prepare for something by learning as much as you can about it
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to deal with something such as a question, especially a difficult one
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to move your head up and down to say yes
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to describe what gas already been done or decided
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a situation that could cause harm or danger
elevator pitch
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a very brief summary of what a business does and why is it special
faux pas
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something embarrassing that you do or say in social situation
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goods and services that are more expensive than similar ones
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to argue or complain about something that is not important
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to show someone or something in a way that attracts attention
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title or advertisement that is clever and does not use many words
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the time that it takes a company to complete a process
be up for
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willing to do a particular activity
boost morale
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to make someone feel more confident
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used to describe behaviour in which people use their intelligence to get what they want
drop someone a line
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to contact somebody by writing to them
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to interest someone and make them feel enthusiastic
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the use of a lot of advertisements to influence or interest people
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able to quickly become healthy or strong after an illness or disappointment
think laterally
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to solve a problem by using your imagination to try to think about it in a different way
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happy and positive
to mature
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if ideas or opinions mature, they reach and advanced and developed state
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support, especially money that someone gives to a person
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sweet or pleasant smell
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standard or accepted way of doing something
to recon
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to think or believe
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real or basic but not immediately obvious
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something that is very successful
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a situation that causes problem for you
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related to work done in an office
you have to stay on your toes
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you have to be alert and active
you can't stand still
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you can't stop changing

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