KZ_Lesson nr 2_20 Septemeber

 0    25 schede    ewaspisak4
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Domanda Risposta
I'm surprised.
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Jestem zaskoczony.
I'm stressed.
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Jestem zestresowany.
I'm disappointed.
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Jestem rozczarowany.
a tattoo artist
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set up a meeting
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zaplanować spotkanie
arrange a meeting
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zorganizować spotkanie
on demand
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na żądanie
a day off on demand
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dzień wolny na żądanie
On the one hand,...
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Z jednej strony,...
On the other hand,...
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Z drugiej strony,...
I heard that...
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Słyszałam, że...
a miracle
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come up with an idea
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wpaść na pomysł
a lotus flower
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kwiat lotosu
it's addictive
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to jest uzależniające
a traffic jam
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bake a cake
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upiec ciasto
to have a flow
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mieć flow
She feels inspired...
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Ona czuje się zainspirowana...
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It sounds delicious
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Brzmi pysznie
If the weather is nice, I will go for a walk.
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Jeśli pogoda będzie ładna, wybiorę się na spacer.
a lot of time
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dużo czasu
a lot of people
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dużo ludzi
not many projects
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niewiele projektów

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