L8 Millennials & toxic workplaces

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Domanda Risposta
instant gratification
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natychmiastowa satysfakcja
the next breed of managers
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następna rasa menedżerów
rigid nine-to-five working hours
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sztywne godziny pracy od dziewiątej do piątej
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modne powiedzonko
rain on somebody's parade
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deszcz na czyjąś paradę = podciąż komuś skrzydła
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to niggle
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to bother somebody (usually with an unimportant/small issue)
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having an inflated opinion of yourself, think highly of yourself
to be at each other's throats
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skakać sobie do gardeł
to outdo
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prześcignąć, to beat someone competitively
to brown-nose
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podlizywać się, to try to impress or please someone important or powerful by agreeing with them all the time
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a person whose main focus is themselves and their needs

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