L8 what if? an alternative history of the world

 0    14 schede    awlaznik
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Domanda English Risposta English
to survive
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to continue to liveor exist after coming close to dying
to rule
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to control
to evolve
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to develop gradually
to conquer
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to take control of a foreign land or country
to vanish
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to disappear suddenly
to convince
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to persuade
long-duration mission
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(mission) lasting a long time
to look at something
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to examine something
to wipe something out
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to completely destroy something (e.g. village)
to take off
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to leave the ground and begin to fly
to set off
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to begin a journey or voyage
to deal with someone
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to do business with someone
to carry on
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to continue (doing something)
to put something forward
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to suggest a plan or proposal for other people to consider

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