L9 marketing strategies and ad vocabulary

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Domanda Risposta
ad network
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sieć reklamowa
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advertorial (an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine that looks like one of its normal article)
ad campaign
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kampania reklamowa
ad blocker
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bloker reklam
advertising agency
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agencja reklamowa
ad space
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przestrzeń reklamowa
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billboard advertising
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reklama billboardowa
pay-per-click advertising
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reklamy płatne za kliknięcie
a company blog
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blog firmowy
social media marketing
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Marketing mediów społecznościowych
search engine optimization
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optymalizacja w wyszukiwarkach internetowych
email marketing
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marketing e-mailowy
viral marketing
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reklama wirusowa
word of mouth
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the passing of information from person to person using oral communication
cold calling
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a technique in which a salesperson contacts individuals who have not previously expressed interest in the offered products or services
limited-time offers
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oferty ograniczone czasowo
loyalty schemes (rewarding loyal customers)
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programy lojalnościowe (nagradzanie lojalnych klientów)
seasonal discounts
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sezonowe rabaty
Buy one, get one free
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Kup jeden, a drugi dostaniesz za darmo
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free information
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bezpłatne informacje
The focal point of this ad is
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Centralnym punktem tej reklamy jest

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