la jardinería

5  1    29 schede    willowfoot
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Domanda Risposta
the watering can
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la regadera
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the plant louse
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el pulgón
the seedbed
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el semillero
the transplant
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el trasplante
the fertilizer
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el sustrato
the hanging plant
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la planta colgante
the money plant
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el poto
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the cart
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el carro
the rose bush
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el rosal
the eggplant
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la berenjena
the shovel
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la pala
the rake
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el rastrillo
the hoe
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la azada
the irrigation kit
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el kit de riego por goteo
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the apple tree
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el manzano
the flowerpot
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el tiesto
cut the lawn
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cortar el césped
the lawnmower
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el cortacésped
the cut grass
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la poda
the grass bank
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el punto limpio
have sth at hand
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tener algo A mano
the vegetable
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la hortaliza
the patch/plot
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el bancal
the lavender
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la lavanda
the basil
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la albahaca
the plant nursery
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el vivero

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