Land and Mortgage Register (1)

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the Act of 6 July 1982 on Land and Mortgage Register and on Mortgage
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ustawa z dnia 6 lipca 1982 r. o księdze wieczystej i hipotece
The Civil Code is the main source of legal rules governing property rights
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Kodeks cywilny jest głównym źródłem przepisów prawnych regulujących prawa własności
provides an additional set of rules
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zapewnia dodatkowy zestaw reguł
Titles are registered in the Land and Mortgage Register
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Tytuły rejestrowane są w księdze wieczystej
the Land and Mortgage Register is kept by district courts
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księga wieczysta jest prowadzona przez sądy rejonowe
District courts have a jurisdiction over
District courts have a jurisdiction over particular properties
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sądy rejonowe mają jurysdykcję nad...
a statutory warranty
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ustawowa gwarancja
the acquirer of real estate
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nabywca nieruchomości
the rights entered in the register exist as they are registered
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prawa wpisane do rejestru istnieją z chwilą zarejestrowania
the acquirer acted in good faith
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nabywca działał w dobrej wierze
Ownership title bestows the broadest rights over real estate in Poland
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Tytuł własności nadaje najszersze prawa do nieruchomości w Polsce.
A mortgage is an interest in real estate.
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Hipoteka to procent/oprocentowanie/odsetki w nieruchomościach.
A mortgage is a kind of loan that people can use to buy a house.
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Hipoteka to rodzaj kredytu, który ludzie mogą wykorzystać do kupna domu.
A mortgage can be established through a grant by the owner
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Hipoteka może zostać ustanowiona poprzez przyznanie przez właściciela
A mortgage can be established by a court order or by an administrative decision
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Hipoteka może zostać ustanowiona na mocy postanowienia sądu lub decyzji administracyjnej.
For a mortgage to be effective, registration in the Land and Mortgage Register is required.
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Aby hipoteki były skuteczne, wymagana jest rejestracja w księdze wieczystej.
The registration takes effect at the date of filing the relevant application.
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Rejestracja staje się skuteczna z dniem złożenia odpowiedniego wniosku.
The period between filing and registration can take up to several months.
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Okres między zgłoszeniem a rejestracją może potrwać do kilku miesięcy.
a mention of a pending registration request
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wzmianka o oczekującym wniosku rejestracyjnym
The following types of mortgages are provided for under Polish law:
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W polskim prawie przewidziano następujące rodzaje hipotek:
Ordinary mortgage
established when a precise amount of the secured or enforced claim is known;
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hipoteka zwykła
Forcible mortgage
(which can be either ordinary or capped), which is established on the basis of a court or administrative decision
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hipoteka przymusowa
Joint mortgage
under which more than one property is encumbered
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hipoteka łączna
Mortgage imposed on another mortgage.
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Hipoteka nałożona na inny kredyt hipoteczny.
The issues concerning land and mortgage registers are examined by the court competent as per the location of the property.
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The proceedings held before the L&MCR need to be preceded by submitting an adequate application.
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Land and mortgage register issues encompass a wide range of cases, including:
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establishment of land and mortgage registers
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entries in land and mortgage registers
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issuing excerpts of documents from land and mortgage registers
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designation of record parcels
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appointment of power of attorney or a statutory representative
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issuing a certified copy of land and mortgage register or a certification of closure of land and mortgage register
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viewing a land and mortgage register
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issuing a printed excerpt from land and mortgage register
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preparing the application
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przygotowywanie wniosku
submitting the application
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składanie wniosku
tracking the entire course of proceedings on land and mortgages cases.
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śledzenie całego procedowania
The issues concerning land and mortgage registers are examined by the court competent as per the location of the property.
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The so_called land and mortgage register court.
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The proceedings held before the L&MCR need to be preceded by submitting an adequate application.
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Land and mortgage register issues encompass a wide range of cases, including:
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establishment of land and mortgage registers
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entries in land and mortgage registers
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issuing excerpts of documents from land and mortgage registers
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designation of record parcels
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appointment of power of attorney or a statutory representative
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issuing a certified copy of land and mortgage register or a certification of closure of land and mortgage register
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viewing a land and mortgage register
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issuing a printed excerpt from land and mortgage register
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preparing the application
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tracking the entire course of proceedings on land and mortgages cases
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Land and Mortgage Register is a public register that reveals the legal status of the property.
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It allows you to determine who it belongs to and what rights your property has.
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In Poland, the Land and Mortgage Register is governed by the Law of 6 July 1982 on Land and Mortgage Registers.
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This law basically repeats the regulations contained in the previous legislation and merges them with the mortgage regulations.
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Proceedings concerning land and mortgage registers are governed by the Code of Civil Procedure.
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In the years 1964
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1991 the register was maintained by state notary offices.
Since 1991, the register ha been maintained by the land registries in the district courts according to the location of the real estate.
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They are for real estate and not for owners.
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One person can be identified as owner in several land and mortgage registers.
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The same property right should be shown in one and only one land register.
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A process to reconcile the contents of the land register with the actual legal status.
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Land and Mortgage Register is a public register kept by relevant Departments of District Courts.
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Land and Mortgage Register is carried on only for immovable properties.
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Each real property has its own land registry files.
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These files are divided into four sections.
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Each of the sections refers to a different aspect of legal status of the real property.
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The first section includes designation of the real property and entries of rights, which are related to ownership, e.g. servitudes,
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The second section includes entries relating to ownership and perpetual usufruct,
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The third section includes entries relating to: limited property rights, limitations on disposal of the real estate or perpetual usufruct, other rights and claims,
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The fourth section designed for disclosing mortgages.
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The principles governing the functioning of the Land and Mortgage Register
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openness of the Register to the public means that everybody has access to them,
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entry confirms only the existence of the right (it is only of declarative character),
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presumptions states that “the right revealed in the Land and Mortgage Register is entered in accordance with the actual state of legal affairs, and the right deleted does not exist” (the presumption is challengeable),
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reliability of the Register
the person, who, in the course of a paid legal act, acquires in good faith the
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priority of limited property rights entered into the Register
such rights have priority over rights not entered into the Register.
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It can happen that the real property does not have files in Land and Mortgage Register,
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The real property does not have files because the Register has lost, been destroyed or it has never existed.
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The District Court keeps for the real property so
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called “document archive”.
Nevertheless the owner of the property is obligated to set the Land and Mortgage Register.
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If the owner did not fulfil this obligation, he would be liable for damage resulting from his negligence.
If the owner did not fulfil this obligation, he would be liable for damage resulting from his negligence.
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właściciel nie wypełni obowiązku
The Land and Mortgage Register
is a public register, which contains detailed information on lands, buildings and apartments and their owners (or entities, who dispose these real properties).
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Rejestr Ksiąg Wieczystych
Data included into the Land and Mortgage Register are basis for town planning or for determining the amount of property tax.
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Dane zawarte w RKW są dla miast podstawą do planowania, a także określają wysokość podatku od nieruchomości.
The Area Development Plan (the Land Utilisation Plan/Spatial Development Plan)
a document (in the form of resolution), which is adopted by the commune council.
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Plan Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego
The Area Development Plan determines conditions of land development and localisation of public_purpose investments.
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PZG określa warunki zagospodarowania gruntu oraz lokalizację inwestycji przeznaczonych na cele publiczne.
The Area Development Plan consists of a text part and a graphic part (maps).
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PZG składa się z części tekstowej i graficznej (mapy).
The provisions of the Area Development Plan are binding on the buyer of real estate.
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Założenia PZG są wiążące dla kupującego nieruchomość.
The Area Development Plan (ADP)
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Plan Zagospodarowania przestrzennego

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