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czy moge dostac rabat
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Can I get a discount?
mają państwo to w mniejszym rozmiarze
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you have it in a smaller size
ile to kosztuje
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how much is it
to nie działa
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it’s doesn’t work
jest uszkodzony
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it’s broken
Chciałbym odzyskać moje pieniądze
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i’d like to get my money back
chcialabym to oddac
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i’d like to retun this
chcialabym to przymierzyc
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I would like to try it
chciałbym złożyć skargę
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i’d like to make complaint
zachować resztę (w sklepie)
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keep the change
gdzie mogę za to zapłacić
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where can i pay for this
brakuje guzika
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the button is missing
przymierzalnia jest tam
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the changing room is over there
ja mam pietnascie lat
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I am fifteen years old
mieszkam w małej wsi o nazwie Cyców
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I live in a small village called Cyców
wiem smieszna nazwa
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I know the funny name
lubie tanczyc i spiewac
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I like to dance and sing
nienawidze matmy
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I hate math
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z przedmiotow szkolnych kocham biologie
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I love biology from school subjects
i chyba tyle
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and probably that's it
mam lat pietnascie
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I'm fifteen years old

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