law 1

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karta do głosowania (a piece of paper you write or vote on)
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a ballot paper
urna wyborcza (the box you put your ballot paper in once you have written your vote on it)
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ballot box
oddać glos (to vote)
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to cast a vote
an election where a number of parties win a similar number of constituencies/ votes
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a close-run election
okręg wyborczy (an area/ town represented in parliament by one politician)
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a constituency
wyborca z danego regionu (sb who lives in a particular constituency)
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a constituent
próba zamachu stanu (an attempt (often violent) by citizens/the military to take control of the government)
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a coup attempt
elektorat (all the people entitled to vote in an election)
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the electorate
a risk one takes which has positive results
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a gamble pays off
to hold an election
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to go to the polls
przytłaczające, miażdżące zwycięstwo (a victory in an election where one party wins many more vites than others)
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a landslide victory
wygrac ogromna większością
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to win by an overwhelming majority
wygrac niewielką większością
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win by a slim/narrow majority
ankieta opcji (the collected result of asking people what their opinions are)
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an option poll
obalić rząd (to remove a government illegally and by force)
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to overthrow the government
szalejąca inflacja 2
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rampant/galloping inflation
zagorzały (very loyal to and strong believer in eg the Republican Party)
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ankieta (set of questions asking large numbers of people about their opinions/behaviour)
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a survey
rozwiązać problem
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to tackle a problem
szargnąć czyjąś reputację (zaszkodzić)
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to tarnish sb's reputation
nakręcić, rozkręcić biznes (by doing more advertising and promotional work)
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to drum up business
luka na rynku (okazja zeby cos sprzedawac bo nikt inny sie tym nie zajmuje)
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a gap in the market for sth
przekroczyć stan (wydać więcej niż sie ma w banku)
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to be overdrawn (at the bank)
wpaść w kłopoty 2
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to run into difficulties/problems
powiększyć dług, nabić rachunek, zadłużyć się
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to run up a debt
rozwiązywać problemy, uporządkować je, załatwić
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to sort (sth) out
pozwać kogoś. wytoczyć komuś proces
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to sue sb
początkowe problemy (small problems that sh experiences when first starting a business/project)
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teething troubles
prosperujący, kwitnący, zdrowy etc
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być na wyczerpaniu
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to be at one's wit's end

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