lekcje 20

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wysilać się
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We hustled to make everything work.
mieć coś łatwo
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have it easy
I don't like people saying I have it easy because they know nothing about my life.
osoba z innego świata
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otherwordly person
traktować coś poważnie
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take something seriously
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pewny siebie
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poufny, tajny
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zdobywać przewagę
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get the upper hand
Government troops are gradually gaining the upper hand over the rebels.
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Every time we meet he reminds me about the money he lent me. Remind me to post that letter.
pamiętać, przypominać sobie
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I cannot remember my PIN number.
przypominać sobie
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I can't recall the title of this movie.
pamięć do twarzy
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memory for faces
przemowa z pamięcie
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speech from memory
pozostać w pamięci
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remain in memory
żywe wspomnienia dzieciństwa
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vivid memories of childhood
wejść niepostrzeżenie, poślizgnąć się
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koniuszek, czubek, wierzchołek
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rusz głową
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jog your memory
The police showed him a photo to try to jog his memory about what had happened on the night of the robbery.
przyćmiony, ciemny (np. światło)
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pamiętać o czymś, brać pod uwagę
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bear it in mind
pustka w głowie
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mind goes blank
wyleciało mi z głowy
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slipped my mind
I forgot I'd arranged to meet Richard last night - it completely slipped my mind.
uciekło mi (o pamięci)
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escapes me
brzmi znajomo, gdzieś dzwoni
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rings a bell
główkować, użyć głowy
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racking my brains
I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name.
z tylu głowy
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at the back of my mind
na końcu języka
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on the tip of my tongue
starożytna historia
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ancient history
za ludzkiej pamięci
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in living memory
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zachowanie integralności
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maintaining integrity
zostać złapanym na gorącym uczynku
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be caught red-handed
He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.
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we must outsmart the bacteria by taking new avenues of study that will lead to the development of novel fighting strategies.
mylić, wprowadzić w błąd
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The school is based on the fundamental principle that each child should develop its full potential.
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to detect
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bodziec, powód, czynnik
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Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
przemiana, przejście w inny stan
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przywiązać, przymocować
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tied down
We'd like to travel more, but having children at school really ties us down.
zgodny, kompatybilny
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pozostawić coś
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leave behind
We left in a hurry and I must have left my keys behind.
łączyć coś
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piece together
The ancient skull has been pieced together from fragments.
wziąć się do roboty, skupić się
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knuckle down
You're going to have to really knuckle down (to your work) if you want to pass your final exams.
odstawiać coś na bok
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set aside
He had some money in an account that he'd set aside for his kids.
wyluzować zwolnić tempo
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slack off
Both players could slack off and still break the record.
robić progres, postęp w karierze
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get ahead
I heard that you have a new job and you're getting ahead - congratulations.

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