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She put on the red dress
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Ella se puso el vestido rojo
We had to put off our excursion.
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Tuvimos que posponer nuestra excursión.
The prisioners were taken away by the police
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Los prisioneros fueron llevados por la policía
I was taken aback by his reaction.
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Me sorprendió su reacción.
My family has always helped me out.
to help someone, especially by doing a particular job or by giving them money.
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Mi familia me ha ayudado.
I don't really know this city. Could you show me around a bit?
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Realmente no conozco esta ciudad. ¿Podrías mostrarme un poco?
As we have hinted at the start.
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Como hemos insinuado al comienzo.
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There was a electrical cord dangling from the wall.
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Había un cable eléctrico colgando de la pared.
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The complex was shut down by the administration.
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El complejo fue cerrado por la administración.
The regime had steadily increased
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El régimen había aumentado constantemente
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buena voluntad, fondo de comercio
the ripe fruit
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la fruta madura
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no capacitado
lack of developed
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falta de desarrollo

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