Leonardo da Vinci’s groundbreaking anatomical sketches PART 1

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making new discoveries; using new methods ▶ przełomowy
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most extreme; best, worst, greatest, most important, etc (najwyższy)
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a book of sheets of paper for drawing on
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a sketchbook (also sketch pad)
(used about sth that is said or written) clearly expressed; easy to understand; synonym: clear ▶ klarowny, jasny, przejrzysty
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lucid /’lu:sɪd/
if sth ~es you, it is so interesting that you give it all your attention and time ▶ pochłaniać, absorbować
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to engross /ɪn’ɡrəʊs/
the act of trying to achieve or get sth ▶ dążenie do osiągnięcia (czegoś), pogoń za kimś/czymś, dążność (do czegoś)
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a pursuit /pə’sju:t/
an activity that you do either for work or for pleasure; something that you give your time and energy to, that you do as a hobby ▶ zajęcie, rozrywka; synonym: hobby, pastime
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a pursuit /pə’sju:t/
(informal) a person who studies astrology or astronomy; activity: stargazing
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a stargazer
(used about a thing or an idea) made or planned in a clever way ▶ pomysłowy
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ingenious /ɪn’dʒi:niə/
all the weapons of a particular type or belonging to a particular country or group; broń
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weaponry /’wepənri/
to watch sth to make sure that it is done properly ▶ nadzorować, doglądać, mieć nadzór; synonym: supervise
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to oversee /,əʊvə’si:/
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doodles /’du:dl/
to draw lines, patterns, etc. without thinking, especially when you are bored ▶ kreślić esy-floresy
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to doodle
to move or to make sth move around quickly in a circle ▶ wirować, kręcić (się), obracać (się)
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to swirl
to ask questions in order to find out secret or hidden information ▶ badać, sondować (np. opinię)
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to probe (into sth) /prəʊ/
possible to imagine or believe ▶ wyobrażalny; SYNONYM  possible; OPPOSITE  inconceivable
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conceivable /kən’si:vəbl/
▶ nieustępliwie, nieugięcie, bezustannie, nieustająco
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relentlessly /rɪ’lentlə/

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