Leonardo da Vinci’s groundbreaking anatomical sketches PART 2

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Domanda English Risposta English
(formal) an attempt to do something, especially something new or difficult; usiłowanie, staranie, wysiłek, zabiegi, próba
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endeavour /ɪn’devə(r)/
(especially North American English) to make somebody very interested in something
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to pique /pi: k/ somebody's interest, curiosity, etc.
used (often before a comparative or superlative adjective) when you are stating an opinion that you believe you could give reasons to support; prawdopodobnie
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arguably /’ɑ:ɡjuəbli/
(formal) to perform a task, etc. or to put a plan into action ▶ wykonywać; przeprowadzać
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to execute sth /’eksɪkju:t/
(formal) to make or produce a work of art
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to execute sth /’eksɪkju:t/
(informal) very attractive, impressive or surprising ▶ olśniewający; urzekający; SYNONYM  beautiful
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(idiom) (formal) not being used, or being stopped for a period of time / w zawieszeniu
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in abeyance /ə’beɪəns/
a dead body, especially of a human zwłoki, nieboszczyk, ciało zmarłego
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corpse /kɔ:ps/
the dead body of an animal ▶ padlina
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carcass /’kɑ:kəs/
to cut up a dead body, a plant, etc. in order to study it ▶ robić sekcję
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to dissect /dɪ’sekt/
including everything or nearly everything that is connected with a particular subject ▶ wszechstronny, wyczerpujący
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(formal) a long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject / rozprawa naukowa, traktat naukowy
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a treatise (on something) /’tri:tɪs/
to continue to exist ▶ utrzymywać się, trwać, nie ustawać
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to persist
to collect information and arrange it in a list, book, etc. ▶ zbierać i porządkować (informacje), opracować (publikację)
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to compile /kəm’paɪl/
to burst with a loud noise; wybuchać
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to explode
a person who is 100 years old or more
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a centenarian /,sentɪ’neəriən/
a serious disease of the liver, caused especially by drinking too much alcohol ▶ marskość wątroby
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cirrhosis /sə’rəʊsɪs/
(a type of) cloth or soft material that is used for making clothes, curtains, etc. ▶ tkanina, materiał
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fabric /’fæbrɪk/
[sing.] the basic structure of a building or system ▶ struktura
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fabric /’fæbrɪk/

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