Lesson 02

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fabryka in inglese
a factory
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pokój jednoosobowy
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a single room
pokój dwuosobowy
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a double room
my idziemy do fabryki
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we go to the factory
czy ten pokój ma okno?
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Does this room have a window?
my patrzymy na ruch uliczny
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we are looking at traffic
to jest biuro
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this is an office
to jest stacja
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this is a station
tam jest kuchnia
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there is a kitchen
gdzie jest kuchnia?
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where's the kitchen
gdzie jest toaleta?
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where is the toilet?
Where is the restroom? Where is the bathroom?
tam jest biuro
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there's an office
tam jest hotel obok stacji
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there is a hotel next to the station
there's a hotel near the station
tam jest hotel blisko stacji
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there is a hotel close to the station
często chodzę do biura
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I often go to the office
ty też patrzysz na niego?
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are you looking at him too?
ty też patrzysz na niego
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you are looking at him too
you look at him too
ty też patrzysz na ten samochód
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you also look at the car
to nie jest ta firma
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this is not that company
w tym biurze jest szef
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there is a boss in this office
w tym budynku jest rower
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there is a bicycle in this building
często widzę te dziewczyny
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I see these girls often
ona też pracuje tu
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she works here too
ten pokój nie jest biurem
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this room is not an office
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także, też
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also, too
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next to, near
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close to, near
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on nie jest w pracy
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he is not at work
ona nie jest w biurze
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she's not in the office
on jest często obok stacji
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he is often next to the station
ona też jest w Warszawie
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she is also in Warsaw
he is
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she is
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it is
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there is
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ona też dostaje samochód
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she also gets a car
on często czeka przy banku
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he often waits by the bank
pracuję w Warszawie
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I work in Warsaw
ja też znam jego
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I know him too
pracować w
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work at
na co czekasz?
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what are you waiting for?
do kogo mówisz?
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who are you talking to?
co masz na myśli?
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what do you mean?
co lubisz najbardziej?
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What do you like the most?
lubisz mówić za dużo
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you like talking too much
czekam na autobus
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I'm waiting for bus
on idzie do hotelu
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he goes to the hotel
teraz mówię do tego chłopca
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I'm talking to this boy now
często chodzę na piechotę
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I often go on foot
I often walk
lubię spacerować
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I like walking
lubię pracować
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I like to work
ona nie jest w tym sklepie
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she's not in this shop
ja też jadę do Włoch
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I also go to Italy
on jedzie rowerem
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he goes by bicycle
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a driver
mowa, przemówienie
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in the morning
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in the evening
w nocy
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at night
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in the afternoon
o świcie
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at dawn
on ma też czerwony samochód
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he also has a red car
więc to jest dobre przemówienie
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so this is a good speech
musimy patrzeć w przyszłość
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we must look to the future
ja nie będę w Warszawie rano
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I will not be in Warsaw in the morning
ja nie będę tego tolerował
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I will not tolerate it
ja nie będę się z tym spieszył
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I will not be in a hurry
I won't be in a hurry with this
oni też mają mało czasu
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they also have little time
widzę że on ma dużo czasu
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I see he has a lot of time
to jest zły pomysł
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this is bad idea
dwa wieczory
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two evenings
zła praca
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bad work
obok niebieskiego samochodu
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next to the blue car
obok pomnika
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next to the monument
zrobię to, ale nie rano
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I will do it, but not in the morning
czekam na dobrą okazję
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I'm waiting for a good opportunity
on często idzie pracować
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he often goes to work
pracować w biurze
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work in an office
Danuta otwiera drzwi
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Danuta opens the door
Potem idzie do pracy
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Then he goes to work
Ona zna tę pracę
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She knows this job
Wieczorem ona czeka na ten samochód
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In the evening she is waiting for this car
Teraz na ulicy nie ma dużego ruchu
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There is not much traffic on the street now
Tam też są drzwi
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There is also a door
On chce już pójść do domu
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He wants to go home now
To biuro ma dwa wejścia
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This office has two entrances
To biuro jest obok przystanku
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This office is next to the bus stop
Oni często chodzą do tego kościoła
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They go to this church often
Oni także często odwiedzają to biuro
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They also visit this office often
Wtedy oni jadą samochodem
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Then they go by car
Ja wiem, że on musi iść, ale najpierw musi to skończyć
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I know he has to go, but he has to finish this first
On lubi kierować samochodem
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He likes to drive the car
Ty idziesz spacerem do tego budynku
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You walk to this building
My czekamy na ciebie i patrzymy na ruch na tej ulicy
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We are waiting for you and looking at traffic on this street

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