Lesson - 04.04.2022

 0    13 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
same old same old
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nothing has changed
to get together
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to meet someone
on board
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to take into consideration
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wziąć coś pod uwagę
to consider
I will consider your offer.
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Rozważę pańską ofertę.
suggestion box
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pole sugestii
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This whole process has been very tedious. I had no idea getting a visa would be so time-consuming.
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Cały proces był bardzo żmudny. Nie miałem pojęcia, że otrzymanie wizy może być takie czasochłonne.
to zone out (zoned, zoned out)
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wyjść poza strefę (strefa, strefa)
to go south
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something doesn't go right
to beat yourself up
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not forgive yourself
to be hard on yourself
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punish yourself for something

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