Lesson 06.05.2020

 0    12 schede    slepyszifo3
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Domanda Risposta
Mam okazję
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I have an opportunity to
in a flash
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In a blink
W ułamku sekundy
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In a split second
Łapie słowa w ułamku sekundy.
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She catches words in a split second.
Moja żona kichnęła.
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My wife sneezed.
Podziel zdania na kilka części
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Break down sentences into a few portions
Spotkanie rozpoczniemy wkrótce.
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We will start the meeting shortly.
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to sum up
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jak dla mnie
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as for me
szczerze mówiąc...
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to be honest
jak mówiłem
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as I was saying

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