lesson 1

 0    13 schede    guest3350724
Scarica mp3 Stampa Gioca Testa il tuo livello
Domanda Risposta
the september/the septembers
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il settembre/i settembri
the sun / the suns
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il sole/i soli
the student / the students
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lo studente/gli studenti
the coffe / the coffes
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il caffè/i caffè
the love / the loves
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l'amore/gli amori
the monday/the mondays
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il lunedì/i lunedì
the thuesday/the thuesdays
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il martedì/i martedì
the wednesday/the wednesdays
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il mercoledì/i mercoledì
the thursday/the thursdays
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il giovedì/i giovedì
the friday/the fridays
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il venerdì/i venerdì
the saturday/the saturdays
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il sabato/i sabati
the sunday/the sundays
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la domenica/
the taxi/the taxis
inizia ad imparare
il taxi/i taxi

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