Lesson 129

 0    11 schede    iwanjoanna39
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In English, if a verb is followed immediately by another verb, what form must the second verb be?
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In English, if a verb is followed immediately by another verb, the second verb must be either an infinitive or a gerund
Tell me some verbs that are followed by an infinitive ("to+")
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promise, fail, ask, agree, refuse, manage
Tell me some verbs that are followed by a gerund ("+ing')
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consider, finish, deny, avoid, practise, miss
Is the verb "promise" followed by an infinitive or a gerund?
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The verb "promise" is followed by an infinitive.
Is the verb "consider" followed by an infinitive or a gerund?
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The verb "consider" is followed by a gerund?
Give me an example with promise
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He promised to try harder next time
Give me an example with consider
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You should consider buying a new car.
What's the main unit of currency in America?
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The main unit of currency in America is the dollar.
When we speak about driving a car, what's the opposite of "to slow down"?
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When we speak about driving a car, the opposite of "to slow down" is "to speed up".
What's the difference between a nail and a screw?
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The difference between a nail and a screw is that we hammer a nail into something with a hammer, whereas we screw a screw into something by turning it with a screwdriver.
What's the minimum number of people necessary for a game of tennis?
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The minimum number of people necessary for a game of tennis is two.

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