Lesson - 16.02.2022 - Valentine's/Bitcoin

 0    18 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
to bring up children
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wychowywać dzieci
long-distance relationship
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związek na odległość
death sentence
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wyrok śmierci
hedge against
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zabezpieczyć się przed
to fork out for sth
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rozwidlać się na coś
murky past
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mroczna przeszłość
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bite-size pieces
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kawałki wielkości kęsa
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lace paper
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papier koronkowy
to treat somebody to
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leczyć kogoś
to shower sb with gifts
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brać komuś prysznic z prezentami
Singles Day
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Dzień singla
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hence the name
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stąd nazwa
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CFD Trading
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Handel CFD
forex (= foreign exchange trading)
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forex (= handel walutami)

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