Lesson 16.04.20

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Domanda Risposta
Surprise party
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Przyjęcie niespodzianka
Throw a ball
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Rzuć piłkę
Mosquito cream
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Krem na komary
I go shopping
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Idę na zakupy
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One pair of shoes
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Jedna para butów
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Płatki kukurydziane
The taste of pizza
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Smak pizzy
I would like to order
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Chciałbym zamówić
Your cat is on the tree.
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Wasz kot jest na drzewie.
I can not talk now. I have to dance
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Nie mogę teraz rozmawiać. Muszę tańczyć
Gloves - special thing for hands to protect
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Throw away not needed things
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Wyrzuć niepotrzebne rzeczy

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