Lesson 2 05/11/20

 0    15 schede    jagodamaj93
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Domanda Risposta
pick up
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to learn a new language or skill by practising it rather than being taught
brush up
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to quickly improve a skill, especially when you haven't used it for a long time
get by
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to managa to live or do a particular thing using the money, knowledge, equipment, etc. that you have
pass for
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be accepted as sb/sth
take in
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to absorb, understand
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answer sb
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respond to sb
request sb to
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ask sb to
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at cross purposes
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when people do not understand each other because they are talking about different subjects without realizing this
I think we've been talking at cross purposes - I meant next year, not this year.
on the tip of your tongue
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about to be said if you can remember it
I know her - her name is on the tip of my tongue, but it won't come to me.
get your tongue around/round sth
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to pronounce a difficult word or phrase:
It's one language that I have real difficulty getting my tongue around.
get the wrong end of the stick
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to not understand a situation correctly
Her friend saw us arrive at the party together and got the wrong end of the stick.
get your mind around sth
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to succeed in understanding something difficult or strange
I find it hard to get my mind around such complex issues.

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