Lesson 2

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Domanda Risposta
other problems
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inne problemy
the situation in Poland
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Sytuacja w Polsce
political problems
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problemy polityczne
first of all
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przede wszystkim
unlike France
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w przeciwieństwie do Francji
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My uncle works in a coal mine.
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Mój wujek pracuje w kopalni węgla.
Polish coal
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Polski węgiel
a lot of Polish coal
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dużo polskiego węgla
one of the most important countries
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jednym z najważniejszych krajów
no country in Europe
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żaden kraj w Europie
advanced technology
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Zaawansowana technologia
some British products
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Niektóre brytyjskie produkty
high quality products
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produkty wysokiej jakości
for example
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na przykład
a British ship
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brytyjski statek
very high quality
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bardzo wysoka jakość
a large coalfield in Germany
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duża Coalfield w Niemczech
coalfields in England
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złoża węgla w Anglii
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pola naftowe
apart from ships and aeroplanes
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z wyjątkiem statków i samolotów
oil and gas
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ropy naftowej i gazu
some oil but no gas
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trochę oleju, ale nie ma gazu
of course
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British economy today
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Brytyjska gospodarka dzisiaj
natural gas
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gazu ziemnego
How old is Mr Mueller?
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Ile lat ma pan Mueller?
Where is he from?
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Gdzie on jest?
What's his phone number?
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Jaki jest jego numer telefonu?
What's his job?
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Co jest jego pracą?
How many children has he got?
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Ile ma dzieci?
What's his hobby?
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Jakie jest jego hobby?
What colour is his car?
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Jakiego koloru jest jego samochód?
What make is his car?
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Co jest jego samochodem?
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czarny i żółty
a blue bicycle
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niebieski rower
French football
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francuski futbol
brown cars
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brązowe samochody
Tennis or football?
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Tenis czy piłka nożna?
Orange or white?
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Pomarańczowe czy białe?
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czarny i biały
colour television/TV
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kolorowy telewizor / TV
a surgeon
The surgeon entered the operating theatre.
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Chirurg wszedł na salę operacyjną.
the best surgeon in Budapest
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najlepszy chirurg w Budapeszcie
some classical music
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trochę muzyki poważnej
Red or blue?
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Czerwony lub niebieski?
two old bicycles
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dwa stare rowery
no poetry
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żadnej poezji
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Italian fashion
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Italian Fashion
a lot of vegetables
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dużo warzyw
many vegetables
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wiele warzyw
a surgeon from Oslo
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chirurg z Oslo
the best German actress
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najlepsza niemiecka aktorka
the capital of France
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stolica Francji
in September or in October, but never in August
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we wrześniu lub w październiku, ale nigdy w sierpniu
three or four nurses
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trzy lub cztery pielęgniarki
some French cheese
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jakiś francuski ser
How many brothers?
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Ilu braci?
some married men
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niektórzy żonaci mężczyźni
problems with unemployment
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problemy z bezrobociem
Her parents aren't English.
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Jej rodzice nie są Anglikami.
She has a lot of problems with her daughters.
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Ona ma wiele problemów z jej córki.
Has Poland got any problems with energy?
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Czy Polska ma jakieś problemy z energią?

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