lesson 21

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jak wlasną kieszień
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like the back of my hand
I know this area like the back of my hand.
to zależy tylko od Ciebie
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it's entirely up to you
What happens to them is entirely up to you.
nadużyć gościnności
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outstay your welcome
I don't want outstay your welcome, I have to go
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They were in a much more congested part of the city.
rozciągnięty, rozwlekły
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We went back to the main building, a sprawling structure.
nieskazitelnie czysty
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The room was small but spotless with a fair view of the lake
zamożny, bogaty
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At the same time, I had one little girl from an affluent family
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The diversion was about a mile and a half longer.
uczcić, upamiętnić
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People like dark tourisn to commemorate huge tragedies
poświęcony czemuś
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devoted to something
This place it devoted to sightseeing
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Genocido was a huge tragedy during wordl war two
iść wzdluż rzeki
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go along the river
przejść na drugą stronę ulicy
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cross over the street
przejść obok
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go past
na skrzyżowaniu skręć w prawo
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turn right at the crossround
przejść przez tunnel
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go through the tunnel
próbować, usiłować
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attempt to
He attempted to remain polite.
wartość, zaleta, zasługa, wyróżnienie
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My husband was promoted because of merit, not because of friendship.
obrzydliwy, paskudny
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Your habit of biting your nails is filthy
śmiesznie, absurdalnie
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ridiculously, absurdly
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"The administration here was nothing short of inept," he said

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