lesson 25

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State pension
He said $100 million from the state pension system would be made available.
czas trwania życia
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Do you think the avarage human lifespan will increase in the naxt 20 years?
starzenie się społeczeństwa
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What are effects of aging population?
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My town has fewer inhabitants than yours.
porzucać na zawsze swoją pracę
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hang up one's hat
I'm worried that I'm going to get a ton of work dumped on me when my boss decides to hang up her hat.
zakorzeniać się (zacząć być akceptowanym, utrwalać się)
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take hold/ take root
Fear slowly began to take root in my mind again./ New reality was taking hold.
pobłażiwy, łągodny
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indulgent, gentle
Some said they think their new teacher is still too lenien
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Instantaneously, she was in the top level of her system.
obmawiać, zelżyć, oszkalować, poniżyć
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The players of the time were vilified by the fans. /Like it or not, they are starting to be vilified.
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He shows animosity towards her.
chwytać, ściskać, łapać
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He grasped her hand./I'm starting to grasp what you had in mind.
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It is just an approximation but works well in practice.
wspólny, zbiorowy (np. decyzja, odpowiedzialność
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There is a collective responsibility for this project.
brak (np. zatrudnienia), niedobór (np. żywności), niedostatek (np. pieniędzy)
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The scarcity of skilled workers worries the government/ There are food scarcities in most regions of Africa
następstwo, wynik (np. wojny, klęski żywiołowej)
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I see people struggling to emerge from the aftermath of the civil war atrocities
osoba równorzędna z kimś, rówieśnik (np. w tym samym wieku, o takich samych umiejętnościach, o takim samym pochodzeniu, itp.)
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She was known among her peers as a good student./ He is under pressure from his peers.
przekonany o zasługiwaniu na specjalne traktowanie
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Millenials are entitled.

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