Lesson - 25.07.2022

 0    19 schede    jessehandley
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Domanda Risposta
poke at something
Ann was only poking at her plate but she didn't eat anything.
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dziobać w czymś
Ania dziobała tylko w talerzu i w sumie nic nie zjadła.
The list of the problems is by no means exhaustive.
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Lista problemów wcale nie jest kompletna.
clear and concise
The description was both clear and concise.
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jasne i zwięzłe
it is what it is
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jest jak jest
cool beans
Cool beans, let's move on.
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great, wonderful, awesome
poor reception
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zły odbiór
tendency / inclination
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skłonność / skłonność
be a little crude
I love my friend but he can be a little crude in public settings.
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być trochę surowym
cookie cutter
The results were cookie cutter because they were exactly the same.
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krajacz ciastek
in a perfect way:, used to emphasize the word that follows:
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w doskonały sposób: służyło do podkreślenia następującego słowa:
current events
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obecne wydarzenia
vote with your feet/your wallet
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głosuj stopami/portfelem
become a lighting rod
Leroy Merlin has become a lightning rod for the ire which people feel towards Russia.
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zostań świecznikiem
The fisherman tied a lure to his rod so that fish would be attracted to his hook.
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Wędkarz przymocował przynętę do wędki, żeby przyciągnąć rybę do haczyka.
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revise for an exam
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zweryfikuj do egzaminu
I think we should make a full review of our policy.
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Uważam, że powinniśmy dokonać przeglądu naszej polityki.
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sugary foods
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Słodkie potrawy

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