Lesson 4 16/11/2020

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extremely bad or unpleasant; okropny
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extremely good; wspaniale, cudownie
She says she’s madly in love with him.
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enthusiastically and with great interest; szalenie
Twierdzi, że jest szalenie zakochana w nim.
in a hurry
She was in a hurry because my dad waited for me.
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to be going somewhere very quickly, usually because you are late; w pośpiechu
Spieszyła się ponieważ tata na nią czekał.
She had no brakes on her bicycle.
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a device that makes a vehicle go slower or stop, or a pedal, bar, or handle that makes this device work; hamulec
Nie miała hamulców w rowerze.
fall in love
I was 20 when I first fell in love.
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to start to love someone romantically and sexually; zakochać się
W wieku 20 lat po raz pierwszy się zakochałam.
Because of the bad weather, motorway (driving) conditions are expected to be hazardous tonight.
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a wide road for fast-moving traffic, especially in the UK, Ireland, and some other countries, with a limited number of places at which drivers can enter and leave it; autostrada
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from one part of a road, river, etc. to another; wzdłuż
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despite the fact that; mimo że / chociaż
cross the road
It's not a good place to cross the road.
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to go across from one side of something to the other; przekroczyć drogę

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