Lesson 6 10/05/2021

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It's often very difficult to change people's attitudes.
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a feeling or opinion about something or someone, or a way of behaving that is caused by this
She hesitated slightly before answering the detective's question.
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to pause before you do or say something, often because you are uncertain or nervous about it
There is no justification for treating people so badly.
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a good reason or explanation for something
the anti-smoking lobby
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a group of people who try to persuade the government or an official group to do something
The protests were part of their campaign against the proposed building development in the area.
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a planned group of especially political, business, or military activities that are intended to achieve a particular aim
civil liberties
The introduction of identity cards has been opposed by the campaign for civil liberties.
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the rights of a person to do, think, and say what they want if this does not harm other people
She was banned from driving for two years.
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to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially
You can come early if you want to, but there's no necessity for it.
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the need for something
The book is a thrilling adventure story.
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extremely exciting
I wish someone would invent an everlasting light bulb.
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lasting forever or for a long time
Your sweater will shrink if you wash it at too high a temperature.
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to become smaller, or to make something smaller
call off
Tomorrow's match has been called off because of the icy weather.
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to decide that a planned event, especially a sports event, will not happen, or to end an activity because it is no longer useful or possible
Can I dial this number direct, or do I have to go through the operator?
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to operate a phone or make a phone call to someone by choosing a particular series of numbers on the phone
The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets.
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to cause something to become caught in something such as a net or ropes
He had taken a sleeping tablet the night before and still felt dopey.
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wanting to sleep, because or as if you have taken a drug

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