Lesson 6 28/04/2020

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set up a business
After five years, working for the Government, he decided to set up his own business.
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założyć firmę; to start a new business
Po pięciu latach pracowania dla rządu zdecydował, że założy własną firmę.
doing very well
It was a difficult task but you did well.
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radzić sobie bardzo dobrze; to be successful, especially in work or business
To było trudne zadanie, ale dobrze sobie poradziłeś.
The new government program is aimed at helping the unemployed.
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bezrobotny; not having a job that provides money
Nowy program rządowy ma na celu pomagać bezrobotnym.
look for a job
Will you look for a job when you graduate?
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szukać pracy; the act of searching for employment
Czy będziesz szukać pracy, jak skończysz studia?
have an argument with somebody
I had an argument with my boss.
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kłócić się z kimś; the process of disagreeing
Pokłóciłem się z szefem.
be sacked
I was sacked last month, so I don't have much money.
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być zwolnionym; fired, dismissed
Zostałem wyrzucony z pracy w zeszłym miesiącu, więc nie mam zbyt dużo pieniędzy.
work for/in (a company)
Pracuję dla firmy mojego ojca
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praca dla (firmy); To be an employee of some person, group, or organization
I work for my father's company.
apply for a job
I've already applied for three jobs with this company.
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ubiegać się o pracę; To pursue something, such as a job, often through a formal process.
Aplikowałem już o trzy posady w tej firmie.
send in a CV
I sent in my CV by e-mail.
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wysyłanie CV; To submit something, especially by mail or by electronic means
Przesłałem swoje CV przez maila.
My current salary won't be satisfying anymore once my baby is born.
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pensja; a fixed amount of money agreed every year as pay for an employee, usually paid directly into his or her bank account every month
Moja pensja nie będzie już satysfakcjonująca, gdy urodzi się moje dziecko.
He has what it takes to be a good boss.
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szef; the person who is in charge of an organization and who tells others what to do
On ma to, co jest konieczne, aby być dobrym szefem.
They scheduled me for an interview on Friday.
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rozmowa kwalifikacyjna; a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course
Wyznaczyli mi rozmowę kwalifikacyjną na piątek.
get the job
How did you get the job?
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dostać pracę; have a job
Jak dostałeś tę pracę?
do overtime
I don't want you to do overtime because of me.
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wypracowywać nadgodziny; to work extra hours before or after one's scheduled working time or at the weekend, often with additional compensation for every hour above 40 hours.
Nie mógłbym się pogodzić, że pracujecie przeze mnie po godzinach.
(get) promoted
I gotpromoted to sergeant.
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awansować; to advance someone to a more important rank or position
Awansowałem na stopień sierżanta.
work shifts/ do shiftwork
People who work shifts work tend to have sleep disturbances.
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pracować w systemie zmianowym; a system in which different groups of workers work somewhere at different times of the day and night
Ludzie, którzy pracują na zmiany są narażeni na zaburzenia snu.
To keep the company alive half of the workforce was made redundant.
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bezrobotny; zwolniony z pracy; having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you
Aby utrzymać firmę przy życiu, połowa personelu została zwolniona
He was my best worker but he didn't like his job, so he resigned.
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rezygnować; to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving
Był moim najlepszym pracownikiem, ale nie lubił swojej pracy, więc zrezygnował.
There are so many things I plan to do when I retire.
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przejść na emeryturę; to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health
Jest tyle rzeczy, które chcę zrobić, gdy przejdę na emeryturę.
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ogłoszenie; a short piece of writing, for example in a newspaper or on the internet, that advertises a job with a particular company or organization
self-employed, be self-employed
Being self-employed means being independent.
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pracować na własny rachunek; working for yourself
Bycie samozatrudnionym oznacza bycie niezależnym.
well qualified
The cultural sector also attracts well-qualified, creative people.
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dobrze wykwalifikowana; e.g. with an university degree or with a lot of experience
Sektor kulturalny przyciąga również dobrze wykwalifikowanych, kreatywnych ludzi.
temporary job
have a temporary job working as a waitress.
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praca tymczasowa; with only a short contract
Mam dorywczą pracę jako kelnerka.
permanent job
He can't keep a permanent job.
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stała praca; used to describe someone who is employed for a long time
On nie może utrzymać stałej pracy.
part-time job
Many students at our university have part-time jobs.
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praca na część etatu; working only few hours a day
Wielu studentów na naszym uniwersytecie ma prace dorywcze.
full-time job
After graduating I will look for a full-time job.
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praca na pełnym etacie; something that takes a lot of your time
Po skończeniu szkoły będę szukał pracy na pełen etat.
be in charge of
I'm in charge of the investigation, and I found the suspect.
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być odpowiedzialny za; responsible for something or someone
Dowodzę śledztwem i znalazłem podejrzanego
be responsible for
You have to be responsible for your actions.
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być odpowiedzialny za; to have control and authority over something or someone and the duty of taking care of it, him, or her
Musisz być odpowiedzialny za swoje czyny.
I think she deserves a promotion.
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awans; the act of raising someone to a higher or more important position or rank
Myślę, że ona zasługuje na awans.
Send us your application before the 20th of June.
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wniosek, aplikacja; an official request for a job, a place on a course, etc., usually in writing
Prześlij nam swoją aplikację przed 20 czerwca.
He spends his retirement on visiting doctors.
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emerytura; the period in someone's life after they have stopped working because of having reached a particular age
On spędza swoją emeryturę na odwiedzaniu lekarzy.
What are the conditions of employment?
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zatrudnienie; the fact of someone being paid to work for a company or organization
Jakie są warunki zatrudnienia?
You can't get any job in Germany for your qualification.
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kwalifikacje; an official record showing that you have successfully finished a course of training or study, have the skills necessary to do something, etc.
Z twoimi umiejętnościami nie znajdziesz w Niemczech żadnej pracy.
The Prime Minister didn't accept his resignation.
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rezygnacja; the act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job
Premier nie zaakceptował jego rezygnacji
Scientists do not know why this happens.
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naukowiec; an expert who studies or works in one of the sciences
Naukowcy nie wiedzą, dlaczego się to dzieje
Better find yourself a lawyer!
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prawnik; someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court
Lepiej znajdź sobie prawnika!
He is best known for his work as a musician.
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muzyk; someone who is skilled in playing music, usually as a job
On jest najbardziej znany ze swojej pracy jako muzyk.
She set up shop out here as a homoeopathic pharmacist.
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farmaceuta; a person who is trained to prepare and give out medicines in a hospital or shop
Otworzyła tu biznes jako farmaceuta homeopatyczny.
The farmer grew interested at once.
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rolnik; someone who owns or takes care of a farm
Rolnik od razu się zainteresował.
We are looking for a Russian translator for our company.
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tłumacz; a person whose job is changing words, especially written words, into a different language
Poszukujemy tłumacza języka rosyjskiego do naszej firmy.

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