Lesson 9: There is/are; have got

 0    20 schede    Milan Pupezin
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There is a bookcase on the wall.
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Na ścianie jest regał z książkami.
There are some flowers on the desk.
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Na biurku są kwiaty.
There isn't a bookcase in the room.
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W pokoju nie ma regału z książkami.
There aren't any pictures on the wall.
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Nie ma żadnych obrazów na ścianie.
The room has got a large window.
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Pokój ma duże okno.
He has got some papers on his desk.
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On ma na biurku papiery.
She hasn't got a computer.
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Ona nie ma komputera.
She has got some books on her table.
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Ma na stole kilka książek.
Have you got a desk?
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Masz biurko?
Are there pictures on the wall?
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Czy na ścianie są zdjęcia?
Are there windows in your office?
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Czy w twoim biurze są okna?
Have you got chairs in your office?
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Masz krzesła w swoim biurze?
Are there plants here?
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Czy są tu rośliny?
Is there a carpet here?
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Czy jest tu dywan?
Have you got a TV in your bedroom?
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Czy masz telewizor w sypialni?
Have you got a PC in your office?
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Czy masz komputer w biurze?
Are there lamps here?
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Czy są tu lampy?
Is there a bookcase in your office?
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Czy w twoim biurze jest regał na książki?
Have you got a printer?
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Czy masz drukarkę?
What have you got in your office?
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Co masz w swoim biurze?

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