Lesson - The Limits of Human Memory

 0    13 schede    jessehandley
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clear, detailed
memory for something
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pamięć na coś
memory of something
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pamięć czegoś
recite from memory
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recytować z pamięci
remain in your memory
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pozostań w twojej pamięci
remind someone to do something
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przypomnieć komuś, żeby coś zrobił
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I can’t........ the date of their wedding.
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Your hair and eyes........ me of your mother.
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She...... seeing him outside the shop on the night of the robbery.
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recalls, remembers, recollects
Can you ...... us about your plans for your holiday?
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I really don’t... what our argument was about.
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recollect, remember, recall
He never ...... to lock the door when he goes out.
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