liczebniki porządkowe cd.

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Domanda Risposta
the twenty first
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Dwudziesty pierwszy
the twenty second
inizia ad imparare
dwudziesty drugi
the twenty third
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Dwudzieste trzecie
the twenty fourth
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dwudziestego czwartego
the twenty fifth
inizia ad imparare
dwudziesta piąta
the twenty sixth
inizia ad imparare
dwudziesty szósty
the twenty seventh
inizia ad imparare
dwudziestego siódmego
the twenty eighth
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dwudziestego ósmego
the twenty ninth
inizia ad imparare
Dwudziesty dziewiąty
the thirtieth
inizia ad imparare
the thirty first
inizia ad imparare
trzydziestego pierwszego

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