Loic 14th Feb (65 min)

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Domanda English Risposta English
a card that you send to somebody that you love on St Valentine’s Day (14 February), often without putting your name on it
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a valentine, a valentine's card, a valentine card
a large party, held outside or in an empty building, at which people dance to fast electronic music and often take illegal drugs
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a rave, a rave party
help other people or help
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help other people or help OTHERS
to propose TO sb
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to pop the question
He popped the question last month.
He proposed to her last month.
When did you ... engaged?
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When did you GET engaged?
very exciting, shocking, or strange
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not generous, especially with money; mean
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to earn
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to MAKE money
If I ... a woman, I ... seduce a man.
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If I WERE a woman, I WOULD seduce a man.
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used to say that you are happy for other people to join you in what you are doing
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the more, the merrier
What is she doing now?
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I don't know, she might be asleep.
Why didn't he come to the meeting?
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I don't know, he might have forgotten about it.
If I had studied harder at school,...
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If I had studied harder at school, I would have a better job now.

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