Marek marzec 2

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podejrzana osoba
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dodgy person
rozpaść się jak domek z kart
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to crush down like a house of cards
zależeć od
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pivot on sth
The product's success is going to pivot on whether or not people feel comfortable linking their home appliances to the internet.
zesrać się
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brick it
dobrze to rozegrać
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to play your cards right
być wrzucony na głęboką wodę
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be thrown in at the deep end
zatopić się lub pływać
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to sink or swim
złapać bakcyla psychologii
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catch the psychology bug/be bitten by the ... bug
gwiazdy Hollywood z przeszłości
z nostalgią
byłe, minione lata
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the Hollywood stars of yesteryear
w odpowiedzi na sth
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in response to sth
o świcie
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at first light
We'll leave at first light.
mieć wątpliwości, namyślać się
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be in two minds about sth
I was in two minds whether or not to come this morning.
wpaść na coś, kogoś
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bump into
We bumped into Amy when we were in townlast week.
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mają retrospekcje
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have flashbacks
I kept having flashbacks of her lying there bleeding.
nastawić uszu
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keep your ears pricked
The children pricked up their ears when they heardthe word “candy.”
nacisnąć gaz/pedał gazu, przyśpieszyć sprawę
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put your foot on the accelerator
This company needs someone who can put their foot on the accelerator with our excellent new products.
poczucie osiągnięcia
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sense of achievement
silny prąd
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strong current
zaciągnąć kogoś do sądu
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take someone to court
nie the nie
she's threatening to take me to court for not paying the bill on time.
uważać na coś
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watch your step
wartościowe zajęcie
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worthwhile occupation
gorliwość, zapał
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reforming/missionary/religious zeal/a zeal for money-making
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a religious zealot
połączyć przyjemne z pożytecznym
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make a virtue of necessity
I had a couple of months to spare between jobs so I thought I'd make a virtue of necessity byacquiring a few new skills.
zrobić coś za jednym zamachem
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do sth in one fell swoop
I got all my Christmas shopping done in one fell swoop.
być z góry przesądzone
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be a foregone conclusion
This failure was not a foregone conclusion.
mieć coś wypisane na twarzy, nie ukrywać uczuć
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wear your heart on your sleeve
one sleeve
przechodzić wszelkie pojęcie
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begger all description/belief
pojedyncza: belief/description
His cruelty beggared belief/description.
Prawda wyjdzie na jaw
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the truth will out
wszystko dobre, co się dobrze kończy
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all's well that ends well

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