Master 8

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We are setting off/out for the Bahamas tomorrow.
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Ponerse en camino, ponerse en marcha... Nos estamos poniendo en marcha para las Bahamas mañana.
If you give me the bill, I will SETTLE UP right now.
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Si me das el bill, yo lo saldaré ahora mismo.
She likes to shop around........ shop around.
It's a good idea to shop around before you buy a new car.
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A ella le gusta comparar precios.
They love "showing off" their expensive sport car. ----- show off.
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A ellos les encanta presumir su costoso carro deportivo.
Jan has just "signed up" for a Chinese language programme... SIGN UP.
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You’re breaking the speed limit. Please slow down. ------- Slow down.
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Bajar la velocidad.
We’ve managed to sort out the problem. ------- Sort out.
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No las arreglamos para solucionar el problema. - - - (No las arreglamos para sortiar afuera el problema).
His parents are about to split up. ---- split up.
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Separarse, divorsiarse.
------ stay up, sit up, or wait up.
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Quedarse despierto hasta muy tarde.
She "stayed up, waited up, or sit up" and waited up for him all night.
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Quedarse despierto hasta muy tarde.
Adele TAKES AFTER her grandmother. ------- take after.
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Parecerse a. Adele se parece (TOMA PARECIDO TRAS) a su abuela.
Maria TAKES AFTER her mother.
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Parecerse a. Maria se parece a su madre.
Alejando Fernandez junior "takes after "his father.
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Parecerse a. Alejando Fernandez junior se parece a su padre.
Brian takes after William Levy.
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Parecerse a. Brian se parece a William Levy.
I couldn’t take in or soak in any of the facts. ------- take in. or soak in.
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Asimilar, entender, absorber, agarrarle la onda. Tomar, en.
I'm not sure I "took it all in" but I understood most of it. ------- take in. or soak in.
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Asimilar, entender, absorber, agarrarle la onda. Tomar, en.
I don't know how much my daughter really soaked in or took in. ------- take in. or soak in.
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Asimilar, entender, absorber, agarrarle la onda. Tomar, en.
Please take off your shoes before coming in. ------ take off, or pull off.
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Quitarse algo: (como la ropa, zapatos, etc).
Doctor Lee said, "Pull off or Take off" your jumper to check you out.
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Quitarse algo: (como la ropa, zapatos, etc)... Quitate tu sueter para checarte.
Gather up all the toys and put them in their correct place. ------ Gather up.
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Recoger, recolectar.
The car skidded on the ice and hit a tree. ------- Skid.
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Derrapar, patinarse.
We should be above PETTY acts.
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Malvado, mezquino.
My son needs to sort out the clothes in the closet. ----- Sort out.
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Poner en orden, ordenar.

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