Media culture

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Top 3 UK newspapers
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Metro, the Sun, Daily Mail
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a public service free from commercial pressures, financed through a directly paid licence fee, offering education and entertainment for the masses, political impartiality and unbiased information contributed
1936 - the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) started a television service before the only radio broadcaster since 1922), 1954 Independent Television (ITV) was introduced
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USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times
Freedom of the media - USA
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t he First Amendment to the Constitution states that Congress shall not make any law that abridges freedom of speech or of the press,
BUT • the media are subject to and conditioned by advertising, concentrated ownership patterns, economic pressures and consumer opinion
The US media...
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pursue a confrontational or adversarial line towards public authorities and individuals.
published official secrets, revealed classified documents and exposed corrupt practices, unethical behavior and injustices in American life
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too powerful and influential • accused of bias, distorted journalism, invasion of privacy, manipulating events, irresponsibility and of actively trying to shape public opinion by setting particular agendas
• a close (unhealthy) bond between public authorities and the media
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each needs and uses the other to mutual advantage and gains access to sources and opinion forming roles
the practice of ‘embedding’ reporters with military units in the 2003 Iraq war
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The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, La Presse* now digital except Saturday

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