Michura catch up 4.01.22

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Domanda Risposta
it's believed
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it's held
get along after an argume
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accept sth we didn't want to accept
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come to terms with it
zbiera swoje żniwo, dawać się komuś we znaki
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take it's toll on someone
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warunki wstępne
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śmiechy warte, niedorzeczne
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laughable, rediculous
do dziś
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to date
facet, o którym mowa
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the guy in question
sth gets out of control
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sth gets blown out of proportion
wykorzystać okazję
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seize the opportunity
wywoływać emocje
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evoke emotions
handel narkotykami
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drug trafficking
he was about to accept
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he was on the point of accepting

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