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casual (I always wear casual clothes when I'm at home)
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promotion (I think she deserves a promotion.)
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N.C. O non-commissioned officee
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C. O commissioned officer
dowódca (Pozwólcie, że podam nazwisko dowódcy.)
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commanding officer (Let me tell you the name of the commanding officer.)
wykorzystac sytuacje
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to take of advantage of the situaction
wstapilem do wojska
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I joined the army
ukonczylem cos
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i graduated from...
Utrzymaj (musimy utrzymać nasz styl życia.)
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Maintain (we have to maintain our lifestyle.)
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an employer (The government is probably the largest employer in the city.)
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superior (His superior asked him to stay longer at work today.)
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subordinate (One of my subordinates has his eye on him day and night.)
slepa amunicja
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blank ammunition (It's blank ammunition, not real.)
ostra amunicja
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live ammunition
marynarka wojenna
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the navy
polskie sily zbrojne
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The Polish armed forces
rodzaje sil zbrojnych
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military branches
zrolnosc wojskowa
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military capabalities
bron nuklearna
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nuclear weapon
bron biologiczna
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biological weapon
bron masowego razenia
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weapons of mass destruction
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destroy (His car was completely destroyed in the accident.)
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damage (The damage is not very big but you will still have to pay for it.)
jak dlugo jestes zolnierzem?
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how long have you been a soldier?
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demanding (We have to deal with this demanding client.)
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attend (How many people attended the meeting?)
polegac na
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rely on (It's good to have a friend that you can always rely on.)
zalozyc mundur
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put on a uniform
zdjac mundur
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take off the uniform
nosic mundur
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wear a uniform
ogolić się
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shave (I need to get shaved.)
statek powietrzny/samolot
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aircraft (The aircraft was shot down early in the morning.)
wydać rozkaz
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to issue an order / give an order
wykonac rozkaz
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to execute an order
podarzaja za tradycja rodzinna
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they follow a family tradition
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przeciwpancerna amunicja
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anti-tank ammunition
wojskowy tor przeszkod
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asaault course
biegi przelajowe
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cross-country races
pierwsza pomoc
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first aid
przymusowa sluzba wojskowa
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compulsory military service
pobor do wojska
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wymagania (Uniwersytet ma bardzo rygorystyczne wymagania.)
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demands (The university has very strict demands.)
obsluga broni
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weapons handling
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first-aid kit
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drill (It was only a drill, an exercise.)
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absolwent szkoly wojskowej
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military school graduate
odprawa (Wszyscy oficerowie zebrali się na odprawę.)
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briefing (All officers gathered for briefing.)

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