Mix from our First Christmas Class Materials.

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People in glass houses should not throw stones
(this means don't criticise people for something you also do)
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Ludzie w szklanych domach nie powinni rzucać kamieniami
Mittens are warmer than regular gloves made of the same material...
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Rękawiczki są cieplejsze niż zwykłe rękawiczki wykonane z tego samego materiału...
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rękawiczki z jednym palcem
When snow starts to melt, it turns into slush. (and not like tasty slush you get in a Slush Puppie!)
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Boxing Day (26th December)
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Drugi dzień świąt (26 grudnia)
festive atmosphere
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świąteczna atmosfera
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Chrimbo is slang for Christmas - do no use in an exam or with your teacher unless you are sure it will be understood. Christmas is always the preferred/correct word to use.
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I like to keep a screwdriver handy.
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przydatny, pod ręką
Lubię mieć pod ręką śrubokręt.
a plastic tree is probably handier than a real tree.
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plastikowe drzewo jest prawdopodobnie wygodniejsze niż prawdziwe drzewo.
If you eat 100 gingerbread cookies, you will pay the price - there will be consequences.
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Jeśli zjesz 100 pierników, zapłacisz cenę - będą konsekwencje.

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