module 1 work

 0    27 schede    bartoszwojnicz
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Domanda English Risposta English
apply to
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to request sth from sb in writing
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to make necessary plans and preparations for sth to happen
au pair
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a nanny from abroad
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somebody who makes buildings
career prospects
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the possibilities of future success in a job
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a course of study at a college or university; a certificate
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to put inside
estate agent
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somebody who works for a company that sells houses and land to people
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the growth of knowledge and skills acquired by doin something
fashion designer
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somebody who designs clothes
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somebody whose job is to put out fires
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able to adapt to different conditions as they occur
flight attendant
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somebody who works on an aeroplane helping passengers
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somebody who owns or works in a store which sells plants
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working the whole part of the working day
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somebody who takes care of plants
medical researcher
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somebody whose job is to find cures for diseases
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that should be paid
poorly paid
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not earning much money
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skill required for a job or a task
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a letter written by somebody who knows me to describe me and say if i am suitable for a job
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payment for professionals
sales assistant
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somebody who sells things in a shop
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somebody who sells and buys stocks
tour guide
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somebody who takes group of tourists sightseeing
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preparation or education for a sport, an academic subject or a job
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earning a lot of money

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