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someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
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Who should be held accountable for it?
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if a company recalls one of its products, it asks customers to return it because there may be something wrong with it
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We will have to recall this product
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to not do what you have made an agreement to do, especially paying back money you have borrowed
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The company has defaulted on their debt repayments
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to do well in a particular job or activity compared to others of a similar type
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We have outperformed our biggest competitor!
jump on the bandwagon
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to become involved in an activity which is successful so that you can get the advantages of it yourself
jump on the bandwagon
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Do we really have to jump on the Facebook bandwagon?
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someone who is very successful and powerful in business and has a lot of money
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He is a famous press tycoon
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if a business diversifies, it starts making new products or offering new services
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We've diversified into translating
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to give a person or an organisation the power or the legal right to do something
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A lot of money doesn't empower you to do everything you want
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a part of a business that you own, or an amount of money that you have invested in a business
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She has a 45 percent stake in the company

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