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Domanda English Risposta English
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to experience something unpleasant as a result of something you have done
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Laptop computers are being superseded by tablets.
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We incurred unexpected expenses on our business trip
rake sth in
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to earn a large amount of money
rake sth in
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We'll rake in thousands of euros
stand out from
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to be very noticeable and or much better than other similar things or people
stand out from
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If you stand out from the crowd, you'll probably be noticed by the right people
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likely to achieve success soon or in the near future
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This city is becoming an up-and-coming place
ahead of the game
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knowing more about the most recent developments in a particular subject or activity than the people or companies you are competing against
ahead of the game
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A market leader always needs to stay ahead of the game
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the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone
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We might have some problems with staff retention
keep in with sb
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to continue to try to be friendly with someone, especially because they can help you
keep in with sb
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Keeping in with key people is a popular strategy for getting promoted
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ordinary and not special or exciting in any way
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It was a fairly run-of-the-mill speech

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