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Domanda Risposta
gdzie mogę kupić bilet?
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where can I buy a ticket?
opóźnienie lotu
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flight delay
jak długo musimy czekać
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how long do we have to wait
ile kosztuje bilet do...?
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how much is the ticket to ...?
chciałabym zamówić
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I would like to order
idź prosto
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go straight
idź w kierunku
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go towards
ile kosztują leżaki
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how much are the sunbeds
ile kosztuje bilet w obie strony do
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how much is a return ticket to
jak dojechać na plażę
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how to get to the beach
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dinghy, tender
spływ pontonem
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rafting with a pontoon
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jaka linia autobusów dojeżdża
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what bus line goes there
kolejka linowa
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cable car
ile kosztuje rejs łódką
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how much is the boat trip
czy to jest w cenie
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is it included in the price
ile trwa podróż?
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how long is the journey?
gdzie znajdę bankomat
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where can I find an ATM
mogę zapłacić kartą?
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can i pay by card?
gdzie jest stacja prom
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where is the ferry station
poproszę bilet w obienstrony dla 4 osób
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I would like a return ticket for 4 people
o której odpływa prom
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what time does the ferry leave
kiedy odpływa
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when she leaves
kiedy przypływa
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when it arrives
jak dotrzeć do...?
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how do I get to...?
możesz powtórzyć?
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You can repeat?
przyjechaliśmy na wakacje
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we came on vacation
gdzie mogę kupić bilety?
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where can i buy tickets?
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I would like to
jak mogę się zameldować
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how can i check in

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