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Domanda Risposta
ile trzeba czekać?
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how much do you have to wait?
z której strony przedziłek?
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on which side the compartment?
na ktora stronę?
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on which page?
strzyc na prosto
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cut straight
jaką chcesz grzywke?
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what kind of bangs do you want?
na prosto
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on the straight
na ktory bok?
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on which side?
na bok
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ladnie wygladasz
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you look nice
jestes ladna
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you are pretty
mam zly humor
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I'm in a bad mood
moj humor
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my mood
chce zafarbowac wlosy
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I want to care for my hair
chce zrobic farbe
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I want to do the paint
chce zrobic kolor
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I want to make a color
jaki odcień
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what shade
jasny kolor
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bright color
nie za ciemny
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not too dark
sredni blond
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medium blond
nie mam miejsca
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I have no place
nie mam terminu
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I do not have a deadline
nie mam dzis terminu
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I do not have a date today
grzywka prosta
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bangs straight
grzywka na prosto
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bangs straight
grzywka na skos
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fringe bangs
grzywka na ukos
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bangs diagonally
grzywka pół okrągła
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half-round bangs
delikatne refleksy
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delicate reflections
cienkie refleksy
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thin reflections
delikatnie pocieniuje wlosy
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gently shakes hair
farbowania włosów
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dye hair
bez fal
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zapraszam do mycia
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I invite you to wash
czego sie napijesz?
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what are you going to drink?
co pijesz?
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what are you drinking?
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pomysł / idea
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lekko pochylony
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sloghtly angled
prosty, łatwy
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może kudłaty styl
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shaggy style might
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cienka lub cienka
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fine or thin
najlepszy sposób na zrobienie
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best way to make
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Elegancki włosy
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sleek hair
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dzisiaj nie ma miejsca
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today there is no place
boki na krotko
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sides shortly
milego dnia
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have a nice day
w czym moge pomoc
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what can I help
chce sie ostrzyc
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I want to get a haircut
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umyc po strzyzeniu
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wash after cutting
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nad uszami
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over the ears
kolo uszow
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near the ears
zapraszam na fotel
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I invite you to the armchair
zapraszam do mycia
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I invite you to wash
umyc glowe
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wash your head
boki maszynka
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sides of the machine
góre nozyczkami
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tops with scissors
wszytsko nożczkami
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all with scissors
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wyprostowac wlosy
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straighten your hair
u gory ciemna
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at the top of the dark
konce jasny
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bright ends
ile skracamy
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how much
ile chcesz skrocic
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how much you want to shorten
do ramion
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to arms
za ramiona
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by the shoulders
kiedy ostatnio farbowałaś
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when you last dyed
kiedy ostatnio obcinales
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when you last cut
chcesz calość przyciemnić
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you want to darken everything
chcesz calość rozjasnic
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you want to brighten everything up
na calości
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on the whole
chcesz rozjaśnić całość?
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you want to light up the whole thing
chcesz przyciemnić calość
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you want to darken the whole thing
grzywka na ukos
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bangs diagonally
zrobic przedzialek
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make a break
podnieś glowe
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raise your head
daj glowe do przodu
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give your head forward
glowa do przodu
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head forward
glowa do gory
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head's up
glowa na bok
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head aside
usiadz na fotelu
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sit on the armchair
mysle ze tak jest dobrze
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I think it's good
ile czasu to zajmie
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how much time it will take
ile czasu zajmie
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how long it takes
przod dlugi
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front face long
tyl krotki
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tons short
jak dlugo trzeba czekac
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how long you have to wait
na kiedy chcesz sie umowic
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for when you want to make an appointment
keratynowe prostowanie
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keratin straightening
trwale prostowanie
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Permanently straightening
idz prosto
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go straight
skrec w prawo
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Turn right
Jeśli tego chcesz
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if you want this
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ile obciac
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how much to cut
przod dluzszy
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longer front
ile obciac?
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how much to cut?
zrobiv kolor taki sam jak ostanio?
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to make the color the same as last?
color tak jak ostanio?
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color like last?
zrobic kolor tak jak ostanio
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make the color as last
tak samo jak ostanio
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just like last
zapraszam na fotel
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I invite you to the armchair
trzymamy dwadziescia minut
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we keep twenty minutes
naloze na konce
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put on the ends
przod dlugi
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front face long
modelujemy na szczotce
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we model on the brush
nie chce modelowac
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I do not want to model
nad ramiona
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over the shoulders
prostujemy wlosy
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we straighten hair
co to
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what this
nie chce zadnych produktow do stylizacji
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I do not want any styling products
nie chce odzywki
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I do not want a call
wysuszyc naturalnie
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dry naturally
podciac same konce
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cut the ends
przerzedzic konce
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thin out the ends
chce uniesc wlosy od nasady
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I want to lift
chce uniesc wlosy od nasady
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I want to lift my hair from the root
z pewnoscia
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mozesz napisac
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You can write
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Wszystko gotowe? gotowa
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all set?
Myślę, że tak
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i think so
modelowac wlosy
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set hair
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co powiesz o tym
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how about this one
Blow suszone
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blow dried
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zastosowac kuracje
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apply treatments
zwiększyć objętość
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increase the volum
kwadrat z tyłu proszę proste
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square at the back please
zwężone z tyłu
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tapered at the back
chciałbyś go wysuszyć? modelowac
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would you like it blow-dried
Które z tych kolorów chcesz?
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w hich of these colours would you like?
Mógłbyś przyciąć moją brodę?
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would you trim my beard, please?
chcesz coś na nim?
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would you like anything on it?
ile jestem ci winien?
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how much do I owe you?
jesteś w stanie zobaczyć mnie teraz?
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are you able to see me now?
Co chcesz zrobić?
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What are you looking to do?
Ile chcesz obciąć włosy?
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How much do you want to cut off your hair?
Jak chciałbyś mieć obcięte włosy
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How would you like to have your hair cut
Lubisz to podoba sie
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Do you like it?
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that much?
zachować dzieje
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keep goin
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Czy możesz zamówić nowe peleryny, scrunchies i rolki?
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Can you order new capes, scrunchies and rollers, please
Nie mogę znaleźć lokówki / szczypców. Czy wiesz, kto to ma
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i can’t find the curling iron/tongs. Do you know who has it
Potrzebuję wielu szpilek do włosów dla nowożeńców.
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I need a lot of hair pins for the bridal up-do.
Większość fryzjerów ma nożyce tej firmy.
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Most hairdressers have this company’s shears.
polecam tę ceramiczną prostownicę do włosów, ponieważ skutecznie wygładza włosy.
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i recommend this ceramic hair straightener because it effectively smoothens hair.
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prosze tutaj
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please, here
chodz tutaj prosze
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Come here, please
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chce baleyage na calej głowie
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I want a baleyage all over my head
dużo pasemek
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a lot of highlights
bardzo dużo refleksów
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a lot of reflections
bardzo jasne
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very bright
na calosci
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skrocic jeszcze
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shorten yet
dlugosc jest dobra
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the length is good
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skroc troche
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shorten a little
skroc niewiele
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tonowanie zawsze sie wyplukuje
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toning always spits out
wyplucze sie
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I will spit out
właśnie teraz
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right now
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inizia ad imparare
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piece, chunk
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this one
przy twarzy
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by the face
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a fringe
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to co zniszczone
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what is destroyed
obetnij zniszczone wlosy
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cut the damaged hair
chcesz wyprostowac
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you want to straighten
wyprostuje wlosy
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straightens hair
wysuszyc naturalnie
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dry naturally
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slim, lean
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
a beard
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ile skrocic
inizia ad imparare
how much shorten
ile podciac
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how much to cut
inizia ad imparare
na jaki?
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for what?
jaki kolor chcesz
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what color do you want
chcesz zmienic kolor
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you want to change the color
na jaki?
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for what?
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podoba sie
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like it
piecze skora
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skin burn
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to normalne
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This is normal
jeszcze chwila
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just a moment
niezbyt krotko
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not too short
dosc krotko
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quite briefly
zbyt krótkie
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overly short
tak krotko jak ostatnio
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as short as last time
nie potrzeba
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you do not need it
skroc boki dosc mocno
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short sides quite well
dosc mocno
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quite hard
kiedy ostatnio obcinales wlosy
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when you last cut your hair
dość mocno
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quite strongly
nie za krotko
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Not too short
zostan na miejscu
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stay in place
robimy przedziałek
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we do part ways
na ktora strone
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on which page
na ktora strone czeszesz sie
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on which side you are combing
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przod wydluzony
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the front is longer
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piece, chunk
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skrocic troche górę
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shorten some up
bardziej skroc boku
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more short side
nakladac cos na wlosy
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impose something on your hair
na bok.
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do gory
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Back to the top
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a few

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