MW_BR-pre-Unit 8

 0    22 schede    ewaspisak4
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Domanda Risposta
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a logo
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a designer
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a design
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a sample
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making suggestions
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Why don't we go there?
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Dlaczego tam nie pójdziemy?
Maybe we should do it.
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Może powinniśmy to zrobić.
We could try it.
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Moglibyśmy spróbować.
How about staying in the office?
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Co powiesz na pozostanie w biurze?
What about preparing this tomorrow?
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A co z przygotowaniem tego jutro?
Shall we go?
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When shall we meet?
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Kiedy się spotkamy?
Where shall we meet?
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Gdzie się spotkamy?
I suggest we send an email.
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Proponuję wysłać e-mail.
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W porządku.
Let's do it.
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Zróbmy to.
I'm not so sure about it.
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Nie jestem tego taka pewna.
I don't think that will work.
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Myślę, że to nie zadziała.
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a weekly meeting
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cotygodniowe spotkanie
Ok. Let's do it.
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Ok. Zróbmy to.

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