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supostamente, alegar, dizer sem provas.
she was arrested for allegedly stealing a car. I'm allegedly learning French, but it's going slowly. the executive was fired for allegedly lying to investors. that's where he allegedly killed his wife.
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albeit, despite of
He tried, albeit without success.
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to make better, correct, reform, improve, investigate, find out, upgrade, change.
corrigir, emendar, reformar, aperceicoar.
in line 20, 'men's should be amend to 'people'.
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complete defeat. Complete destruction, so that nothing or no one is left
the candidate suffered annihilation at the polls.
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expect, foresee
I anticipate that she wouldn't be there.
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her first book was an astonishing success.
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embarrassment, difficulty, unhelpful
constrangimento, embaraco, falta de jeito, inaptidao, estranheza, esquisitice.
embarassment = the awkwardness of the first date. / dificulty = there was some awkwardness in the process. / unhelpful= is he really unable to help or is it just awkwardness?
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vies, preconceito, tendencia, polarizacao, influenciar, distorcao, discriminacao.
Such laws exhibit systematic gender bias. (vies). You just stood there and admitted bias.(preconceito). The judge ruled that the information should be withheld on the grounds that it would bias the jury against the accused. (Influencia)
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for a place: that is full of people or things. If someone is bursting with a feeling or quality, you mean that they have a great deal of it. If you are bursting to do something, you are very eager to do it.
full, filled, passionate, blazing, excited. If someone says they are bursting, they are emphasizing that they need to urinate very soon.
tambem indica explocdir algo. colocar fogo no parquinho, quando em situacao tensa. "I am bursting it" = eu estou explodindo isso, estourando.
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follow, hunt, pursuit,
a cat need to chase mice.
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regular journey between work and home. to change a punishment into another less severe. change one type of payment or investment for another type.
it's at least an hour's commute to work. she commutes to the city by car every day. the 05:30 train is always packed with commuters. her sentence was commuted from death to life imprisonment. I think I'll commute my life insurance into an annuity.
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complete, very complete and detailed
month temple comprehensive school
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convencido, se achao.
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irish expression for fun. if you are talking about something that you did and you say "the craic was great", or "it was a good craic", you mean that you had a really good time, especially, because everyone was talking, joking and laughing.
I have enjoyed every minute. the craic has been great. they go to the pubs not for the drink alone, but for the craic.
it's a good craic.
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colaboracao coletiva.
crowdsourcing is an affordable way of getting a quality design.
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desafiar, provocar, resistir.
defy all boundaries = desafiar todos os limintes.
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reliable, trust, confident, loyal, faithful.
a dependable car. I need someone dependable to take care of the children while I'm at work.
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reduzir atividades.
dun /dunning
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a grayish-brown colour, to demand money for someone, to press or importune (a debtor) for the payment, beset, importune, press, urge
one of his jobs was dunning costumers for money they owed.
due to
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because of
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aprimoramento. enhance = realcar, aumentar, elevar, engrandecer. enhanced = better than before, greater value than before.
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to put ypu or someone onto the official list of members of a course, membership, college or group.
it's too late to enrol at the course? she enrolled in English.
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feeling that you have the right to do or have what you want without having to work for it or deserve it, just because who you are.
ATENCAO: Entitle eh dar a -> to give someone the right to do or having something and giving a title to a book. ex com 1. entitle X 2. entitled: 1. Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment. 2. The employee is entitled to ask for references.
these kids are spoiled, entitled, self-absorbed and and apathetic. Dizer q alguem eh assim, eh como se fosse exibido e que manda, da ordens por ser superior, ou dizer q ela esta autorizada a algo, ten direito de algo.
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in the mood for something, feel like something, want something...
I Fancy pasta. I'm in the mood for pasta. I feel like pasta. Chique, ideal, extravagante, imaginario, fantasia, desejo, simpatia, afeicao, gostar, supor, preferir, crer, julgar.
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caracteristica, aspecto, traço. tb pode ser trait = quando comportamento apenas. his sense of humor is one of his better traits. Our latest model of phone has several new features. A land with natural features.
feature tb eh um filme com mais de 90 min. She has fine, delicate features (parts of the face). the most important person in the show = tonight's program features some outstanding performers.
fond (of) /fondness (for)
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adore, in love, like. Something that you would like to be true but that is probably not.
children are fond of games. Many of us have fond memories of or childhoods. I waited at home in the fond hope that de might call. I'm really fond of my aunt. He smile fondly at his wife. Ruth has a real fondness for old houses.
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adotar, fomentar, friar, alimentar, Nutrir, manter. encourage, promote, take a child without adopting.
the club's aim is to foster relations. We couldn't adopt a child, so we decided to foster.
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far, distant, away, more and more... longe, alem de, mais alem, mais e mais.
the wind was pushing the boat further out to sea. As you go further south, you will notice a gradual change of climate. every day she sinks further and further into depression (mais e mais). I never got further than the first five pages of this book.
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a piece of clothing. vestuario, roupas.
he is fussy (not satisfied. exigent, agitated, nervous, restless, hard, noisy, loud, tawdry - espalhafatoso) about how a garment fits him.
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collect, reunite, join, put togheter
a crowd has gathered in black and white. She has also gathered seeds and crumbs.
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receive, buy, find (look for or call sb), being in some process + adjective (hungry, cold, hot, ready, dark, clear, old), with "to" is arrived
Did you get my message/email? I have to get some milk. I'll get her (vou chamar ela). I am getting hungry (ficando com fome, no processo de ...), It's getting dark. I'm getting old. I get to work at 9ish (arrive) - (ish = por volta de 9hs).
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poucos, conta nos dedos de uma mao.
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programado ... ver mais
hardly ever
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almost never
quase nunca.
I am so busy these days that I hardly ever go to the movies.
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where you were held
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yet, nevertheless, although, whatever, despite off
porem, contudo, entretanto, todavia,) nao importa como - you can do it however you like, it really doesn't matter.)...
However hungry, I am never seem to be able to finish off a whole pizza.
ipsative format
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escolher. teste de escolha.
the most personality testes used ipsative format.
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to put plan or system in danger of being harmed or damaged. put something in danger. comprometer, colocar em risco.
she knew that failing her exams could jeopardize her whole future.
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to put things that are not similar next to each other.
The juxtaposition of two different cultures.
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relaxed, not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done. Casual, calm, unpretentious.
it's a laid-back company, you can choose your own hours and the dress is very casual. I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way, she's so laid-back. She want to change the NY lifestyle for laid-back beach life.
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alavancar, influenciar, poder, vantagem. the act of using borrowed money to buy an investment or a company.
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public attention and interest.
he always tried to avoid the limelight.
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assimetrico, torto, desigual, unilateral.
Perhaps the most unique situation involves those companies stuck in an unexpected, lopsided business environment:
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pouco iluminado
low-lit room
lured (in)
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atraido, fisgado.
people are lured in the promise land and easy money dream. athey hope that the actor will lure people back to cinemas.
mad, (nut/nuts)
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mentally I'll, extremely silly or stupid. very angry or annoyed, furious, sore, Variation: madness. Nut/nuts = sport fan, crazy/enthusiastic over sb our sth, head.
louco + nervoso. nut eh louco, muito interessado em algo, fanatico (she is a movie nut), cabecudo (she cracked her nut on the ceiling). Nuts = very much in love with someone/sth (I am nuts about her). Nut tb eh Noz, a fruta
you're mad to walk home alone in the night. are you still mad at me? what kind of nut would leave a car here? (Nut = James is a tennis nut, he plays every day). He's nuts abouts his new granddaughter.
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actions, steps
medidas, acoes...
the WHO is taken some measures.
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the sun won't melt our wings tonight
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ma gestao de empresa
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a very large number of something, or having a great variety
a myriad of choices. And now, a myriad of bars and hotels are opening up along the coast. there are myriad ways in which global warming can imperil the environment.
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(to) oversee
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to check regularly some project, the progress.
We need to oversee the kids evaluation. The CFO need to oversee the budget all the time. (acompanhar, monitorar, ver se esta indo bem)
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showing an unreasonable dislike for sth or sbd.
the campaign is designed to make people less prejudiced about AIDS.
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avoid, warn, impede, block, prevent
impedir, prevenir, evitar.
the headache prevented me from studying.
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perfil, abordar?
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proofread carefully all the lessons.
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to make a small hole in something, suddenly make someone less confident or positive.
buraco, furo, abalado. tyre = pneu
red wine that punctures the skin. My positive mood was rather punctured by the news. I had a puncture when I was drinving back from work (tyre).
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lift to a higher position, increase, to cause reflection (levantar = duvidas, suspeitas, problemas, predio). criar pessoa, animal, planta.
would all those in favor raise their hands? Scream without raising your voice. Her answers raised doubts/fears/suspicions in my mind. The chapel was raised as a memorial to her son. Her parents died, so she was raised by her aunt. The farmer raises pigs.
raise no jogo eh aumentar a aposta. (I'll raise - poker). to end or stop = after three weeks the siege was raised. To communicate with someone by phone or radio = I've been raise you all day. To ask for more salary = She asked the boss for a raise.
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somewath, some, quite, enough, before, former, more, upwards.
um pouco, bastante, antes, mais, de preferencia, um tanto, em vez.
This text thus may interpret a dream about a rather ordinary, inexpensive horse - either dun or grey - as indicating good luck. (bastante).
reckless recklessly
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unwise, imprudent, rash, careless... imprudente, temerario, descuidado, negligente, indiferente, ousado.
she spends her money recklessly. The kids are ridden these bikes recklessly.
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being ready or prepared for something,
boa disposicao, prontidao, presteza, estar preparada para.
The company has declared its readiness to fight a challenge in the courts. Now is not easy to see in just what this lack of readiness consists.
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reformular, replanejar
frame: quadro, moldura estrutura, caixa ao redor da porta, planejar, preparar, destined, fabricar.
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despite (what has been said or done), not being affected by sth.
independentemente, indiferente, descuidado, desatento.
retail (varejo)
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the activity of selling goods to the public, usually in shops, on the internet... retail at for sth = to be sold at a particular price
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recovery, repair
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a straight line of people/things, a line of seats, one after another, move a boat, a lot angry argument.
fila, fileira, em seguida, remo, discussões.
A row of trees. I was in the first row for the concert. he just won it for the fifth year in a row. The couple next door are always having rows.
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causa, proposito. I did it for my own sake.
seek - sought - sought
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search, look for, browse, request, apply, look up, fetch, pursue, find, invite.
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turn, change. (There is about to have a shift in my life).
turno, mudanca, mudar, transferir, transformar, empurrar (responsabilidade), inverter (trocar). Except, of course, that the budget has made a distinct shift towards us. (... orçamento foi consideravelmente " empurrado " para o nosso lado). we make shifts.
All of these things require us to have shifts and make changes (mudar e fazer mudanca). we will not be able to shift this responsibility to them (transferir). I regret that shift in the agenda meant that I had to replace him. (substituir pauta).
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ancestor, forefather, majesty, father, progenitor, parent, breeding horse, royalty, generate, create, breed.
pai, ancestral, cavalo reprodutor.
the sire.
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to rise extremely quickly or make extremely quick progress towards success.
house prices have skyrocketed in recent months.
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derramar, estragar?
one bad apple spoils the bunch.
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you stir my heart.
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understanding and caring about someone else's suffering. agreeing with or supporting. compassion. sympathize, good listener,
solidario, compaixao.
Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems. The former mayor was considered sympathetic towards environmental issues.
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swarm of bees
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sob medida
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as a result, because of that, for that reason
portanto, entao, desta forma, logo, assim sendo, consequentemente, por consequencia disso, por isso.
I studied hard and therefore passed the exam
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completely, very much, in a detailed and careful way, carefully. Very greatly, very much. Completely in a way that includes many details, detailedly.
comprehensively, exhaustively, fully, inside out, systematically, through and through, totally. attention to all aspects or details. At length, from stem to stern, from the ground, in detail. Utterly. Police thoroughly searched the crime scene for clues.
though, even though, as though (although)
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but, despite the fact that (in spite of), as if. / "though" can be use as "however or nevertheless", usually in the end of a clause -> A: You have six hours between flights. B: I don't mind, though. I have a lot of work to do, I'll bring my laptop with me
I enjoyed her book though it's not quite as good as her last one. initial reports say that seven people have died, though this has not yet been confirmed. Even though she hasn't really good time, she still offered to help.
I thought she was there, she wasn't, though (but she wasn't)/they're coming next week, though I don't know which day. / She hasn't called, even though she said she would. / you look as though you've been running a marathon.
throw (threw - thrown)
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to send something through the air with force, especially by a sudden movement of the arm. To look quickly or suddenly. To cause to move or act quickly or carelessly. To confuse or shock someone or cause difficulty for them.
tirar, arremessar.
my friend threw the ball back. He threw a punch at his attacker. she threw herself into a chair, exhausted. / The boy threw a frightened look in the direction of the house. / She threw back her hair. / I wasn't expecting a visitor. I was really thrown.
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so, thereby, therefore, thereafter, even, so much, as soon, like this. (aasim)
assim, portanto, desse modo, ate, dessa maneita, nessas condicoes, tanto.
This text thus may interpret a dream about a rather ordinary, inexpensive horse - either dun or grey - as indicating good luck.
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if someone act a certain way in your direction
he is being really aggressive towards me/ he is being very gentle/friendly towards you
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em andamento, inciar, iniciando.
a world in white gets underway (inicia)
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to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or so. e other activity that has made you worried.
A glass of wine in the evening helps me to unwind after work.
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salary, earning, pay, promote, foment, bet
and gold is the reason for the wars we wage...
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to make a long high cry, usually because of pain or sadness. to complain loudly or strongly. A loud sound (siren).
interest rates = taxas de juros. skyrocketing = disparando, altissimo, elevadissimo.
the babies were wailing. Investors wailed (complained) that interest rates were skyrocketing. The wail of the siren woke me up in Thailand.
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cry, wail, regret, mourn, lament, bewail. liquid such a pus (machucado)
she wept buckets when Paul left. The sore is still weeping a lot.
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whether /whether ... or
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if, In case that, either, supposing, else
se, que, no caso de.
I wasn't sure whether you'd like it. It all depends whether or not she has the time. I'm going. ehther she likes or not. the authorities debated whether to build a new car park.
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something that is fast exciting and unpredictable. Either a name for a storm, twister.
They came to visit like a whirlwind (fast and unexpectedly). It was a really whirlwind relationship. (algo inesperado e rapido. em relacao ao tempo: furacao, relampago, tempestade com ventos fortes)
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adore someone or something, to go to a religious ceremony. used as a title of respect when speaking to or about a mayor or a magistrate.
adorar... adoracao, titulo de respeito a autoridade politca.
I worship Bono. / People worship different gods. / we need a place to worship (igreja). /Her parents worship her. / we're in an era of fitness and health worship. / His worship the mayor will present the awards. / thank you, your worship
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vale a pena, digno, merecido
it worth it? they are not worthy to wear a badge.
yank (rank and yank)
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no RH vem do Jack Welch, que disse q todo ano deveria admitir os 10% menos performaticos do ranking. Yank eh forcar, neste caso eh curva forçada de grafico de talentos.
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enthusiasm, energy, interest. lemon orange, lime skin.
she's over 80, but she still have an amazing zest of life.
outdoorsy lifestyle/people
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pessoa que gosta de estar ao ar livre.
Our neighbors, the Warrens, have kids that are the outdoorsy type.
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study more... ver
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very unlikely to be true, difficult to believe. Brought from a remote time or place. not easy or natural deduced or introduced. Not likely to happen or be true. Doubtful, dubious, unlikely, improbable, questionable, (forçado)
Her excuse sounded farfetched. That possibility is not as far-fetched as it may seem from outside.
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devotion, shown by worship, the state of being pious, fidelity to natural obligations (as to parents). dutifulness in religion, a conventional belief or standard. devoutness, orthodoxy, faith, religion. (piedade)
An act of Chtistian piety. Her piety is quiet but profound.
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enemy, competitor, opponent, antagonist, hostile. something prejudicial or injurious.
She was unsure as yet whether he was friend or foe. Foes fo the plan were there to voice their concerns. A political foe.
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comes from light. acender.
He lit the (blue) touch paper for me. Ele me fez prestar atencao a isso, seja pela anger or exciting q o tema eh...
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tropeçar, dar de cara... walk unsteadily; falter, bumble, miss a step and fall or nearly fall; trip, hit, encounter by chance, make an error, slip up, trip up.
and then you stumbled across the solution. "The drunk man stumbled about". "She stumbled over the tree root". "I stumbled across a long-lost cousin last night in a restaurant". "She slipped up and revealed the name".
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animal like a rabbit, but larger, which can run very quickly (lebre). to hare off = to run or go very fast
will harry, unfortunately is quite difficult to find. he hared off down the road.
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formal rule or principle that is generally considered to be true. something that is a self-evident truth. Ensinamento, doutrina, verdade indiscutivel.
One of the axioms of the theory of evolution. The axioms of wisdom. The old axiom that you can only succeed through hard work.
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large number of people - group. Order in the line, list. variety, assortment, order, clothing (finery), attire (adorn), a body of soldiers, matrix, a series of statistical data arranged in classes in order of magnitude, bunch.
He had already arrayed himself in his best clothes. The forces arrayed against you. The data are arrayed in descending order. A broad array of styles (variety).

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