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Εγώ μαθαίνω γλώσσες.
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"Εγώ" is the first personal pronoun that we are going to learn. Since all verbs in Greek have different forms depending on the person performing the action, it can be omitted.
I learn languages.
Εσύ τι κάνεις;
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Omit personal pronouns when not emphasizing who's performing the action. In this example, "εσύ" is used to highlight that we're asking about YOU. Example: -How are you? - Fine. WHAT ABOUT YOU? In Greek we say "ΕΣΥ τι κάνεις;" instead of "What about you?"
What are you doing? / How are you?
Όλο ιδέες έχει αυτός.
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"Αυτός" is used way more often than "Εγώ" and "Εσύ". TIP: Never use "Αυτός" when the person you're referring to is listening or somewhere around you. It is considered rude and better be avoided. Use "εκείνος" instead.
He always comes up with ideas
Αυτή είναι;
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Guessed it right! "Αυτή" is also considered rude when referring to someone who's around at the moment is likely to listen to the discussion. "Εκείνη" is used instead. Remember "Εκείνος"; Exactly, it's the feminine pronoun!
Is that her?
Αυτό είναι πολύ βαρύ.
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Αυτό Greco
Εκείνος-Εκείνη-Εκείνο VS Αυτός-Αυτή-Αυτό. "Αυτό" is used to refer to inanimate objects or animals in whom we don't know the gender of.
It is very heavy.

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