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one activity in software engineering
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a computer program and it's documentation
Software testing
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Execute the software using simulated test data
Activities in software engineering
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Specification of requirements, Validation and Testing, Implementation or development
Diverse software engineering techniques
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Waterfall model, Incremental model
Software process models
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Rational Unified Process, V-model, Incremental, Spiral, Waterfall
Prototyping model
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Not concerned with quality, ensures requirements are correct before using another process model
Waterfall model
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Large systems, plan-based, difficult to change requirements
System to control antilock braking in a car
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V-Model is best
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working software is more valuable that comprehensive documentation
Agile requirements list
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stored in the Product Backlog
Use case inherit from use case?
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Use case Association
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represent an actor and a use case have interaction/communication
Actor inherit from another actor?
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Activity diagram rounded rectangles
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Activity diagram diamonds
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Use state diagram when
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when a use case requires a list of different states of a system at a given time
Class diagram: solid line with empty white diamond at one end
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Class diagram: solid line with empty white triangle at one end
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Two classes pointing at one third class with empty solid line white triangle
UML Use case diagrams are used to capture
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Functional requirements
Software specification/requirement engineering
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understanding and defining what services or functionalities are required and identifying the constraints on the system operation
Software design
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the description of the structure of the software to be implemented. Responsible for the code level design, what each class is doing, its relationships, and scope
Incremental model
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Earlier delivery and deployment, easy customer feedback
Agile method advantages
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team communication, requirements do not hold up progress, facilitates customer feedback, visibility of everything
Use cases capture requirements?
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reducing by focusing on the essential observable behavior
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hiding the details of the implementation
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a single name may denote objects of many different classes that are related by some common superclass
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"text-based" representation of an algorithm
Software Architecture
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responsible for the skeleton and the high-level organization of a software. Identifies the main structural modules/components in a system their relationships
Software testing goals
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show that the program does as intended, discover program defects
Unit testing
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testing method by which individual units of source code (which have associated control data, usage procedures, and operating procedures) are tested to determine whether they are fit for use

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