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to make a long low sound, for example because you are in pain or unhappy
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groan. She was groaning with pleasure. I groaned with pain.
to complain about something in an annoying way
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moan. Stop moaning, would you? Ben was moaning about his job again.
speaking in a way that is sensible and that people can understand. spójny np. plan, argumentacja; zwarty np. o grupie
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coherent. The writer presents this complex issue as a coherent whole.
sam w sobie
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on its own. It's not so bad on tos own but all of the other things related to that.
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comparison. We have made a systematic comparison of the techniques used by the different players.
w porównaniu do
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compared with or to, in comparison with or to. Why are things cheaper in comparison to last year. Profits were good compared with last year.
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a squirrel
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a hedgehog
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a peacock
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a ladybird
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a beak
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a scale. Wash the fish and scrape off the scales with a sharp knife
wąsy (u zwierząt)
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a paw
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a trunk
pazur, szpon
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grzywa (lwa, konia)
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mane (lion, horse)
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a hoof
an occasion when a group of men celebrate together because one of them is soon to be married
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stag night, bachelor party. We still don't know what to do for John's stag night.
an occasion when a group of women celebrate together because one of them is soon to be married
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hen party. Liz didn't know that her friends were throwing a hen party for her
urząd stanu cywilnego
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a registry office. The young couple wanted to get married in a registry office, but their parents insisted on a traditional church wedding.
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a bridesmaid. All the bridesmaids had to wear matching dresses
śłubowanie, np. małżeńskie
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vow. They exchanged vows and the priest pronounced them husband and wife. I’ve made a vow that I’m going to study harder
narodzenie chrystusa
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trwonić, marnować
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squander, waste
wymiana, if a shop exchanges something that you bought there, it allows you to change it for something of a similar type or value, for example because it is damaged
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store where you can buy flowers
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a rip-off
schodza jak świeże bułeczki
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to sell like hot cakes. Tickets to their show have been selling like hot cakes
hate somebody sth FORMAL
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to move around without thinking, to move away from the correct place or path, błąkać się, zbłąkany
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stray. I strayed too far from the footpath and got lost. The sheep strayed onto the road
zaprzeczanie, negacja, odmowa
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denial. Despite her denials, I knew she felt lonely
wprawdzie, co prawda
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nawrót, nawrócić się np. o chorobie
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relapse. The process of recovery would begin, slowly, with several bumps and relapses along the way.
to mix cards to play
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a saddle
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a shuttlecock. Shuttlecocks are used in badminton
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athletics. Athletics includes running races and various competitions in jumping and throwing.
strój piłkarz
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strip. Our team were playing in blue and white strip.
rozbierać się
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strip. "Strip down to your waist," said the nurse. He stripped and jumped into the shower. She stripped naked
wolność, swoboda
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liberty. The prisoner regained his liberty
przesłuchiwać podejrzanego/świadka
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interrogate a suspect / witness. Our first task will surely be to interrogate the prisoners
wyczarowywać coś
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conjure something. For most people it's difficult to conjure up rosy memories of our childhood
ponadprzeciętny, wybitny 
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superior. This product was of superior quality. It was a symbol of superior social status.
upiększać, ubarwiać
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embellish. Tadzik embelishes his stories too much.
nietknięty, nienaruszony
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intact. The vase remained intact despite rough handling
wspomnienie, przypominanie
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recollection. My guess is, if my recollection is correct, that Amendment 1 will be rejected and then the original text will be adopted. He is not, to my recollection, a very good musician
podstęp, oszustwo
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deception. His elaborate deception fooled everyone
zniekształcać, wypaczać, przeinaczać
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distort. The image is distorte. Not true, you distorted my story.
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distortion. The less distortion there is, the more detail we'll be able to see. How exactly do I benefit from your distortion of the truth
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to blow. The wind blew through the trees
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a lightning. A lightning flashed across the sky.
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to flash. The cameras were flashing so intensely that I couldn't see a thing
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icecold. My feet are ice-cold!
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sleet - snow and rain in the same time Verb and Noun
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sleet. It's sleeting, so be careful, as roads may be slippery.
zamieć śnieżna
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a blizzard. They lost their way in a blizzard.
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to promote
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a commission
rekomendacja, referencje
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recommendation, references
za grosze, np. pracować za grosze
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for peanuts. I work for peanuts.
być na zasiłku
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to be on the dole. A fifth of all Americans are on the dole.
obcinać paznokcie
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cut nails
kamień (w czajniku, nazębny)
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scale. I can recommend a way of removing the scale from a kettle
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filling. The dentist X-rayed my teeth and decided to put in a filling. I've lost my filling.
zamek, zamknąć na klucz
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lock. They've installed a triple-lock door. Did you lock the door? He locked the dog in his room
śruba, wkręt
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screw. You have to screw the frame tight, so that it won't fall apart. You have to screw it to the wall.
pochylić się, zgiąć
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bend - bent - bent. The wind was so strong that it bent the trees in our garden. He bent and kissed her on the forehead
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to bite-bit-bitten. My dog doesn't bite
skradać się, pełzać
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creep - crept - crept.
uciekać, umykać
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flee - fled - fled. Flee from sth/sb. Better to flee than to die.
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forecast - forecast - forecast. They've forecast rain for the weekend.
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splinter. I've got a splinter in my finger
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forum. The central question is what kind of forum to set up.
zbieranie funduszy
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insurgent. We cannot track the insurgents - that's what makes it hard to fight them.
tik nerwowy
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sizzle. The bacon in the frying pan was beginning to sizzle
rozbrajający np. śmiech albo film
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disarming. The dialogue in that movie was just disarming. Her smile is disarming.
szczegółowe badanie, nadzór, obserwacja. Examin sth especially in a critical way.
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scrutiny. This essay could use some professional scrutiny. You could say that the region is now under closer scrutiny. Her opinion is based on a careful scrutiny of the text
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sledge, sled. Come on, let's go seldging!!!
wskazówka zegara
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hand. Both hands are pointing to twelve. My watch has an hour hand, minute hand and second hand
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speedometer. The speedometer said 130 kph
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despair. I will ask for guidance in this matter, but do not despair.
ewoluować, zmieniać się
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evolve. Evolve into sth.
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plow. I need to plow the road
pług, orać
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alike. He and his father are alike in many ways. The houses in our street are very alike.
tama / zapora
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dam / Firewall. In 1976, 26 000 people died when a dam broke in China.
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shaft. The shaft of a hammer was bigger than my palm
rzemiosło also verb
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crafts. He crafted this material into an arrow.
wzór do naśladowania
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role model
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sterility, infertility. He's diagnose with infertility, so he's infertile.
Ruszaj się do rytmu
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Move to the groove
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enormous. There was enormous hole in the wall. Enormous problem
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to sneeze. Jane sneezed and wiped her nose on a tissue.
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light bulb. We need to change the light bulb
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ventilation. We don't have ventilation down here.
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socket, jack, power point, outlet. Plug the cable into the socket.
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aviation. When it comes to aviation and air accidents, I'm something of an expert
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a dressing gown, bathrobe. I bought a brown eyelash mascara.
aparat na zęby
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brace, retainer. The boy had to wear a retainer, because his teeth were crooked.
prostownica do włosów
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hair straightener
spuścić wodę w kiblu, spłuczka
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flush. Please, flush after use!!! We have to change the flush.
zatrzask np. w branzoletce albo spodniach
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snap. The snap of my bracelet broke
łamać, pękać (o gałęzi albo linie)
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snap. A twig snapped under his feet.
zakrzywienie czasoprzestrzeni
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the curvature of spacetime, time warp
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Advertising. Our friend works in an advertising agency
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trailer. I can't use my trailer to transport this furniture because it's too small
posada, stanowisko
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positio, post. Remember, you can lose your post as fast as you have gained it
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Blinds. It's a bit dark in this room - I'll open the blinds. Draw the blinds, please.
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halogen bulb
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an invoice. Do you need a separate invoice for that?
klucz do nakrętek (tech)
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spanner (tech), wrench. Do you have a wrench in your tool box?
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psychopath, psycho
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1. to govern 2. to rule. When I was a little boy I wanted to be a king so I could rule the world. You have no idea what it takes to govern this country
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tendency. She has a tendency to forget people's names. I have a tendency to forget what I say from one minute to the next
pasmo (zwycięstw lub porażek)
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streak. He's been on a winning streak this year.
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konserwacja, utrzymanie
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maintenance. It's high-maintenance. Website is under maintenance.
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leaf. The trees lose their leaves in autumn
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a branch. This tree has a lot of curling branches
pień drzewa
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trunk. This old oak has a large trunk
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spruce. Our Christmas tree this year was a spruce
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cream. Add some cream to the soup, it will taste better. She doesn't eat cream because it is high in calories.
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an aerial. Somehow, they've managed to fix the aerial.
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a track. He is running on the track
bieżnia stacjonarna
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treadmill. I run on the treadmill every day
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pine. They bought a pine table for the kitchen
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a chestnut. A chestnut was growing in front of my house
jąkać się
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stutter. Don't finish someone sentence when they are stuttering.
słup wysokiego napięcia
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High voltage pole, pylon.
linia wysokiego napięcia
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power line
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ditch. He lost control of his car and went into a ditch
kamizelka odblaskowa
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vest. High visibility jacket or vest.
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crane. The crane is raised so that their feet barely touch the ground.
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fence. We have to build a new fence
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wyciskanie na klatę
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bench press
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chest fly
martwy ciąg
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uchylać wyrok
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lift. The court lifted his sentence.
dźwigać, podnosić
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lift. Lift me up one more time. She lifted her head listening attentively.
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Squat. For this exercise you need to get into a squat first.
seria (na siłowni)
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set. First, do several sets of bicep workout.
powtórzenie (na siłowni)
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rep. Do not do more than 8 reps in each set.
mięśnie brzucha
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abs. Finally, it's ABS time. We will do four sets, 15 reps each.
pedał roweru
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pedal. Keep your foot on the pedal.
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curls. She pushed back the dark curls
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saber, saber.
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safety-pin, eye. Can I borrow an eye? My button fell off.
odkręcić kran, zakręcić kran
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turn on the tap, turn off the tap
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a door handle. He pressed the handle and opened the door
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pot. Here, hold this handle and help me tip the pot
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sweaty. I need to change my clothes, I'm all sweaty.
leczniczy. Ta maść ma właściwości lecznicze. Ta maść ma właściwości lecznicze.
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curative. This ointment has curative properties. This ointment has healing properties.
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dispute. She has always disputed the existence of God.
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summarize. She summarized his speech with one brief sentence.
przechadzać się
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stroll. She strolled happily through the dark streets of Brighton
wierzchołek drzewa
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hide - hid - hidden. He was hiding it from the police. The girl hid the doll in the garden
ślizgać się
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slide - slid - slid. Don't slide on the ice, you'll fall down
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hiss. The snake was hissing.
huczenie sowy
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hoot. They heard the hoot of an owl.
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speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded. Don't speed, we have plenty of time.
zwrócić coś
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hand sth back. She handed the book back to me
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crumb. He didn't leave a crumb on the plate.
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a rake. I could borrow a rake from my parents. I raked the garden yesterday.
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fang. Wolves have very sharp fangs.
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jokingly, playfully. hey asked him jokingly how he got away with it.
unosić się na wodzie
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float on the water. He was floating on the surface of the water
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unrest. It was a time of unrest and upheaval in our region
przekonania polityczne
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political beliefs, politics. Your politics should not interfere with your job
ingerencja, wtrącanie się
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interference. goverment interefernce. He will be punished for this interference
implikować, sugerować
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imply. Are you implying that I'm stupid?
uchwalać ustawy
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pass legislation
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zmarszczyć brwi
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frown. She paused, frowning in deep concentration. He was listening to me with a frown.
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mistletoe. He is going to kiss me under the mistletoe.
stroik świąteczny
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Christmas wreath
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chuckle. I could hear his chuckle
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rozpadający się, rozklekotany
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ramshackle. Some went in the front and others through the back of the ramshackle house
podciągnąć coś (np. skarpety)
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hitch sth up. Hitch up your pants.
przewód kominowy
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pończocha, skarpeta świąteczna
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stocking, Christmas sock. She wore black stockings.
przesmykiwać się
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slink - slunk - slunk. Why did you slink out of the room into the kitchen?
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stuff. He stuffed his bag in the trunk.
zwinnie, zręcznie
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z radością (np. zacierać ręce)
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with glee. "The money is absolutely no problem," he said with glee.
gruchanie gołębia
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coo of a dove
bujda, kłamstewko
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pat. "You'll feel better soon," Jack said, patting her on the arm
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slick. I wouldn't trust a slick person like him
odrobina (np. kurzu)
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speck. I don't want to see even a speck of dust here.
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ribbon. She tied up the box with ribbon.
łańcuch choinkowy
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nucenie, mruczenie pod nosem
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zagadkowy, niezrozumiały
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puzzling. Why did he do that remains a puzzle.
uśmiechać się szyderczo, szydzić
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sneer. You may sneer, but a lot of people like this kind of music
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plait, braid. She wore her hair in plaits.
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to purr
uśmiechać się szeroko
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grin. The woman grinned at him. Victoria grinned and kissed me suddenly.
płacz żałosny, zawodzenie, skarga
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wail. His crying turned into a wail. Stop wailing, it will not help us.
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bind. She bound my hands with her scarf.
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tap. He tapped our secret code.
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wag. The dog wagged its tail at the sight of a bone.
wrzeszczeć ze złości, strachu (w piskliwy sposób)
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shriek. The boys shrieked in terror when they saw the dark figure. He shrieked at me and told me to mind my own business.
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flutter, flap. Birds flap their wings.
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bow. The bow is bigger than the box
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reed. The girl was still in the water, fighting her way through the reeds.
sadzawka, staw
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pond. They have a small pond in the garden.
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synonim of mumble
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mutter. The woman muttered an answer.
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a dormitory, dorm. She lives in a dorm.
drwić, przedrzeźniać, kpić
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mock. Mom, he is mocking me!
interfere WITH
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Interfere with. My parents try to interfere with my life.
oddziaływać na siebie
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interact. How will these two chemical substances interact?
komunikować się
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interact. I don't want to interact with people today. I tried to interact with her but she's in a bad mood.
krzyczeć za kimś
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cry out for sb. He cried out for me but I left the room
wydzielać (substancję)
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release. This plant releases a poison, so don't touch it. Snakes release venom while stinging their victim
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to appreciate. There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.
przesiadka, między
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layover, changeover. We had a four-hour layover in Chicago
rozkosz, wielka przyjemność.
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delight. She ate the dessert with delight. Bill Burr will also be delight then.
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hilariously funny.
postawienie urzędnika państwowego w stań oskarżenia
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impeachment. The minister is currently under threat of impeachment.
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guts. He looks like he wanted to rip your guts out.
wypruwać coś
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rip sth out. He looks like he wanted to rip your guts out.
wpaść do kogoś (z wizytą)
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come over. I sometimes come over here after work just to get away. My parents came over. You can come over to my house any time you want
coś mi wypadło
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something's come up. something has come up
urabiać kogoś
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work on sb. She is working on her mom to get money for a new dress.
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muddy. Where have you been? Your shoes are so muddy!
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ashtray. Could you bring me an ashtray, please?
niedopałek papierosa
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stub, butt, stump. Don't throw butts on the ground. The bin was full of cigarette stumps.
zgasić np. papierosa
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put out (stub out) a cigarette. The firefighters put out the fire. He put out the cigarette and left
Czy się rozumiemy?
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Are we clear on that?
radzić sobie (phrasal verb)
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get on. How did you get on at the oral exam?
Dobrze się dogadujesz ze swoimi dziećmi?
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Do you get along well with your children?
wracać do zdrowia
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get well. He's in hospital but he's getting well.
mieć się dobrze, dobrze sobie radzić
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be doing well. Long story short, I'm doing well.
radzić sobie finansowo
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get by. "How do you get by?" "I guess I manage."
odnosić sukces, robić postęp, iść do przodu (zazwyczaj w karierze zawodowej albo społeczeństwie)
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get ahead. It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics. You’ve got to take risks if you want to get ahead.
przekraczać np. oczekiwania albo liczbę zabitych
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surpass. Death toll in Brasil surpassed 2 milions.
stanowić (problem)
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pose. Drunk drivers pose a threat to other road users.
przekroczyć prędkość
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exceed the speed. He exceeded the speed limit by 15 miles an hour.
wyjść (o zdjęciu, na zdjęciu)
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come out. Your sister came out really good in this photo.
pojawiać się, wypływać, wypływać na wierzch, padać (np. kwestia w dyskusji, pytanie)
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come up. If my name comes up in the conversation, please try to change the subject.
coś mi wyskoczyło (phrasal verb)
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come up. I've got to go - something has just come up at home and I'm needed there.
wychodzić na jaw (phrasal verb)
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come out. The truth came out only after the fact. Didn't you know that the truth will always come out?
odkleić się
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come unstuck. The packing tape on the box came unstuck and some of the contents fell out.
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fall out. Sir, something has just fallen out of your pocket. My wallet must have fallen out of my bag at the airport
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stick - stuck - stuck. I forgot to stick a stamp on the letter. The label won't stick.
pole widzenia
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visual field. Her visual field is limited.
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gruby (o przedmiocie)
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thick. thick book, thick sweater
badania kliniczne
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clinical trial. We have a usable enzyme that's ready for clinical trials.
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patent. You should patent your new invention.
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an invention. Somebody has stolen his invention from the lab.
czasopismo naukowe
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science magazine, scientific journal
długość, szerokość, wysokość
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length, width, height
odnowić, przedłużyć (np. ważność dokumentu)
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renew. I need to renew my driving license.
pokonać kogoś
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defeat someone. You will never defeat me.
pokonać kogoś, wygrać z kimś
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beat someone. I beat my older brother at chess. Poland has never beaten Spain
To nie jest niezbędne do uprawiania seksu
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that's not essential for having sex
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chapel. The funeral started at chapel.
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coffin (eng), casket (usa)
nagła śmierć
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sudden death
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producer. Australia is one of the world's main producers of wool.
obrazić kogoś
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offend someone. I didn't want to offend you. I'm sorry.
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weasel. A small weasel lives in the shed in our garden.
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careless. The boy was careless and crossed the street on a red light.
niedbały, niestarannt np. pismo lub praca
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sloppy. Another sloppy pass like that might lose them the whole game.
wypuścić, uwolnić
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release. The terrorists released their hostages. His early release from prison caused our surprise.
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relief. I felt such a relief.
przejaśniać się
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to clear up. The sky cleared up in the afternoon.
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dated. This sort of dress is rather dated now.
guzek np. na piersi
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a lump. She went to the doctor because she found a lump in her breast.
guz np. na czole
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bump. I have a nasty bump on my forehead.
wejść na pokład, do statku, tramwaju itp
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board. Soldiers boarded the ship. We boarded the wrong train. We waved goodbye and boarded the plane.
przewraca się w grobie
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roll in sb grave. She'd turn in her grave if she knew what he was spending his inheritance on.
coś dużego, dużej objętości, większość czegoś, ogrom czegoś
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bulk. It was a document of surprising bulk.
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chamber. Harry Potter and the secret chamber.
wędrować, włóczyć się
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to wander. She's probably still wandering around.
samochód służbowy
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company car
telefon służbowy
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business phone
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equip. It's going to cost $4 million to equip the hospital. All the police officers were equipped with shields to defend themselves against the rioters.
zwracać uwagę
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pay attention. I have never paid attention to this. Why don't you pay attention to what I say?
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to sublet. Our rental contract states that we are not allowed to sublet the house.
złożyć obietnicę
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pledge. I pledge him my obedience and offer my services as his second.
to call someone in order to attract their attention
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hail. Shall we hail a taxi? I tried to hail her from across the room.
okrzyknięty np. film
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hail sb of sth. The film was hailed as best movie in 1989.
butla z gazem
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gas bottle
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motorboat, launch. He started the launch before I was able to get on it.
gospodarstwo domowe
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household. More than half of Swedish households are single-person, the highest proportion in the EU
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utrzymywać się (np. ból)
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persist. If the pain persists, call the nurse. But the norm persists despite housing shortage
przystępny (w przystępnej cenie)
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affordable. I bought a dress at an affordable price.
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refill. Chuck, you've nearly finished your drink - do you want a refill?
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offspring. Schulz believes that parents are often more focused on offering “practical rather than emotional” support once their offspring move out.
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decade. It was over a decade ago.
pojawić się na nowo (np. po okresie nieobecności)
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resurface. For Ida Staberg, the novelty of being independent also wore off quickly, and mental health problems she’d experienced as a younger teenager started to resurface.
uporać się (z czymś)
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tackle. The company has to tackle the crisis.
wpaść w rutynę
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stuck in a rut. A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in a rut, so I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American philosopher.
nie doceniać czegoś kogoś
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underestimate. You can't underestimate your opponent cause he might beat you.
zbyt nisko oszacować (coś), zaniżyć
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underestimate. The value of the house was underestimated by at least five thousand dollars
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tracks. The train was stopped because the tracks were blocked. The three tried to run to the other side of the tracks, she said.
przejazd kolejowy
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level crossing, railroad crossing. They were approaching a railroad crossing. He turned suddenly into the road that led to the railroad crossing.
barierka, szlaban, zapora
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barrier. There were policemen standing near the barriers. I managed to avoid hitting the barriers.
zbiorowy (np. decyzja, odpowiedzialność)
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collective. There is a collective responsibility for this project.
wspólna łazienka
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Shared Bathroom
wspólne obowiązki
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shared duties
nieużywany (nigdy)
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unused. You can use this toothbrush, it was unused.
(już nie) używany, niewykorzystywany
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disused. A sister property, K9, was launched five years later – a disused hotel renovated to hold 50
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venture. He seems to have put his heart into the venture.
modny, wypasiony
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hip. Södermalm is one of Stockholm’s hippest city-centre neighbourhoods
o podobnych upodobaniach, podobnie myślący
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like-minded. As far as quality of life goes, it just gives much more joy to be around other people – especially if they're like-minded.
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innovative. The company attracts new customers thanks to its innovative approach.
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trade. He trades books and furniture.
niedobór mieszkań
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housing shortage
trasa narciarska
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ski run, piste
gówniany, słabej jakości
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crappy. This computer is extremely crappy
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bombard. The wealth of media in modern life means the average person is bombarded with enough information every day to overload a laptop.
przeciążać, przeładowywać
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overload. We were overloaded and I did not know how the road was ahead.
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a dormitory (US), hall of residence (UK)
zaostrzać np. przepisy
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tighten. The city tightened the regulations. Sweden had to tighten restrictions as they had had many fatalities.
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fatal. It was a fatal accident.
sprzeciwiać się
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oppose. My parents opposed my marriage to a younger man. Public opinion in both countries opposes the war.
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as well as. This sollution had many supporters as well as opponents.
jechać pod prąd
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drive against the traffic. Suddenly I realized we were driving against the trafiic as it was one way street.
być odpowiedzialnym za
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be responsible for. My father was responsible for cleaning and cooking which was quite unusual at that time
straszny, upiorny, przerażający (informal)
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spooky. It was a spooky coincidence. I bet this place is really spooky late at night
kotlet schabowy
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pork chop
zaoczny np. studia
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extramural. In 1999 I started extramural studies.
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to raise. I didn't raise you like that! She raised her children well.
wychowywać (phrasal verb)
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bring up sb. Clara is too young to bring up a child.
być z kimś blisko (w sensie emocjonalnie)
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close. Lidia's family is very close. I don't have any close friends.
powściągliwy (w słowach i w czynach), z dystansem
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aloof. My mother was very aloof, she did't show her emotions.
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to earn. How much do you earn?
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winter swimming, ice swimming
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stuffing. He was in the kitchen, making stuffing for the turkey.
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filling. pies with sweet or savoury fillings
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filling. The dentist X-rayed my teeth and decided to put in a filling.
typ (człowieka) (UK)
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sort. I'm not the sort of person who does such things.
typ (człowieka) (US)
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type. I'm the type of a person who likes order. He's not my type.
zachowywać, zatrzymywać (o przedmiocie) FORMAL
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retain. The box retains heat. He managed to retain his dignity throughout the performance.
to catch or show signs of an illness. Bierze mnie choroba
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come down with. I feel like I’m coming down with a cold.
obszerny, rozległy
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extensive. I've done extensive research on this topic. He has extensive knowledge of ancient history.
wymyśleć, opracować np. jakiś plan albo rozwiązanie (za pomocą intelektu)
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devise. He's good at devising language games that you can play with students in class. The cartoon characters Snoopy and Charlie Brown were devised by Charles M. Schultz. They have devised a cure for this illness.
worek na śmieci
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trash bag. The rubbish bag is too small for this bin.
odpadki (wyrzucane w parkach, na ulicach, itp.)
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litter. People who drop litter will be severely punished.
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uśmierzać (ból)
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relieve. The painkillers will relieve the pain soon. Icebath relieved my pain in a calf.
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calf. This man has well developed calves.
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competitor. He is our main competitor on the market.
wyjeżdżać samochodem
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pull out. You cannot pull out so quickly!
wyciągnąć np. pistolet
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pull out. She pulled out a knife and attacked him.
to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially mentally (FORMAL)
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discomfit. At times she seemed to take great pleasure in discomfiting him.
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deaf. My grandfather is starting to go deaf.
to shape something so that it can move as effectively and quickly as possible
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streamline. Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency. The bodies of dolphins are more streamlined than those of porpoises.
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tickle. It tickled a little bit. Jack put out a finger to tickle the little cat's head.
majstrować (przy czymś), dłubać (przy czymś)
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tinker. Most of the time he can be found in his garage, tinkering with his car.
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a meadow. The meadow was covered with flowers.
cnotliwy, czysty (żyjący w celibacie)
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chaste. In the past, a woman needed to be chaste to make a good marriage.
poświata, poblask (np. księżyca)
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gleam. The gleam of the Moon guided us.
robić wyrzuty (FORMAL)
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reproach. His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.
spartaczyć, sknocić
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botch. We botched (up) our first attempt at wallpapering the bathroom.
przynęta (np. do łapania ryb)
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bait. Different bait is used to catch different fish.
popijać, sączyć, pić małymi łyczkami
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przesączać (przez coś), sączyć (się)
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seep. Pesticides are seeping out of farmland and into the water supply.
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hedge. She planted a hedge around her house.
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midget. He was a very small man, almost a midget.
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shaggy. I fell in love with this shaggy dog.
zapach, woń.
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scent. I love the scent of oranges. I smell the scent of their tobacco in the air. I smell the scent of their tobacco in the air.
gleam, shine, glow.
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To gleam -> to shine softly To shine -> to reflect light clearly and sharply To glow -> to emit light, usually softly or weakly, from itself. A glow is always cause by some form of energy
zapakować (np. do wysłania)
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package. I have to package this box. Your clothes have already been packaged and they are ready to be sent.
pakować, zapakować (np. jedzenie, towar)
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pack. I'm sure I packed it. I haven't finished packing yet.
selekcja naturalna
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natural selection. The human society does not always work by the rules of natural selection.
według zasad
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by the rules. The human society does not always work by the rules of natural selection.
okoliczności (w okolicznościach)
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circumstances (under circumstances). Under other circumstances, you'd make a great couple.
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trusted. She was an old and trusted friend.
a small wave on the surface of water
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ripple. The stone she threw caused ripples to spread across the lake.
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bay. He sailed around the bay.
zatoka przynosowa
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sinus. That's probably just a sinus infection. But it could be sleep apnea.
bezdech senny
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sleep apnea
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complaint. If you want to make a complaint, you should see the manager. hey receive many complaints about the quality of their products
przelew (bankowy)
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transfer. Has my bank transfer come through? Did you get my transfer? She doesn't know how to make a transfer.
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coloured pencils. Jenny drew a picture in coloured pencils for her art class.
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obstacle. We encountered another obstacle.
dążenie, walka (np. o wolność)
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struggle. Our struggle for freedom became serious.
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whisper. "Come with me," Tom whispered. He whispered some words into her ear
uwaga, zainteresowanie
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attention. This child needs your attention. He didn't know what to do to get her attention.
zwracać uwagę
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pay attention. You have to pay attention to every detail, big or small.
struktura, szkielet
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framework. An education system is part of a political, social, and economic framework.
szczerze, bezpośrednio (np. wypowiadać się)
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frankly. You should talk to each other frankly.
przyciągać (np. ludzi, zainteresowanie)
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attract. These flowers are brightly coloured in order to attract butterflies.
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warehouse. He ran across the warehouse to the opposite end.
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spill. I spilt tea all over myself. Do you have a cloth? I spilt some water on the floor.
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave. She's been on maternity leave for some time now.
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pump. He is pumping the mattress for them to sleep on.
składać (np. ubrania)
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fold. Fold your clothes, please.
zginać (np. kartę papieru)
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fold. I can't fold this map, it's too big, can you help me? She folded the receipt in half and handed it to me
ważyć (mieć określoną wagę)
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weigh. It weighed 2 kg.
waga (czegoś w kg)
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weight. What is the weight of this cheese? I want only 40 grams.
to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own
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brag. She's always bragging about how much money she earns.
chwalić się, przechwalać się (mówić o sobie i swoich osiągnięciach)
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boast. Stop boasting about your new boyfriend. Stop boasting, you're not that special.
popisywać się
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to show off. I think he's just showing off.
rozwiesić coś, wywiesić coś (np. obraz)
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put up. We are putting the fliers up because our dog is missing. We put up some new pictures in the living room
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flier. The flyer contained information on animal cruelty.
powiesić obraz
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hang a picture
to supply or produce something positive such as a profit, an amount of food or information:\
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yield. My company yields a lot of profit. Favourable weather yielded a good crop
ustąpić, ulec, podporządkować się, ugiąć się. Muszę ustąpić żeby zachować pracę.
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give way. Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time. I had to give way in order to save my job.
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foil. He wrapped the sandwich in aluminum foil
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auction. I bought my cell phone on an internet auction.
stan (np. auta)
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state. His car is in a terrible state. I don't know if her state of mind will improve.
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anonymous. I found out about the whole affair from an anonymous letter.
free to do what you like and go where you like because you have no responsibilities such as a family or a relationship
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fancy free
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back. You have to back my idea even if they won't like it. The management has refused to back our proposals.
spodziewać się, oczekiwać (np. że coś się stanie)
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expect. She's expecting a baby. They weren't expecting anybody else to be there.
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rozbić się (o środku transportu, np. o samochodzie)
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crash. Her car crashed into a tree. The plane crashed into a mountainside. The plane crashed because of the pilot's error.
uderzyć, uderzyć w, trafić w, potrącić (coś z impetem)
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hit. I've hit my foot on the bed corner. I lost the control of the car and hit the tree. I hit my head and now I'm not feeling well. I always hit my head on the cupboard.
Jack ziewnął i przetarł oczy
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Jack yawned and rubbed his eyes
znosić, wytrzymać, tolerować (kogoś lub coś). Nie mogę już dłużej znieść jego zachowania!
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I can't put up with his behaviour anymore!
Szukałem syna, gdy nagle wyskoczył z szafy.
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I was looking for my son when suddenly he popped out of the closet.
kłócić się z kimś (Phrasal Verb). Mark jest młodszy i niestety pokłóciłem się z nim parę lat temu.
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Mark is younger, and I sadly fell out with him some years ago.
Próbowałem ograniczyć picie, ale nie wyszło.
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I was trying cut down on drinking but i didn't work out.
Światła tego samochodu oślepiły mnie na sekundę
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That car's lights blinded me for a second
Istnieją dwa typy uczniów: wzrokowcy i słuchowi.
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There are two types of learners: visual learners and auditory learners.
Kiedy puszczam kierownicę, zaczyna zjeżdżać z drogi.
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When I let go of the steering wheel it starts to go off the road.
tłamsić kogoś, hamować jego rozwój. Każda religia próbuje tłamsić kobiety.
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Every religion tries to keeps women down.
I w końcu pojawiliście się wy i pokrzyżowaliście boski plan.
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And finally you came along and disrupted divine plan.
Taka okazja już nigdy nie nadejdzie.
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Such an opportunity will never come up again.
Ale będziesz szczęśliwy, to się liczy.
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But you'll be happy, that's what counts.
Ziemia nie podziela naszych uprzedzeń do plastiku.
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The Earth doesn't share our prejudice to plastic.
Trzymaj ręce z dala ode mnie albo zadzwonię na policję!
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Keep your hands off me or I'll call the police!
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Potty, chamber pot.
Pokazałem ojcu moje pierwsze włosy łonowe.
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I showed my father my first pubic hair.
włosy łonowe
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Mike Tyson odgryzł mu ucho.
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Mike Tyson bit off his ear.
Moją pierwszą pracą było rozdawanie ulotek.
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My first job was passing out leaflets.
Został skazany za nieumyślne spowodowanie śmierci skazany na cztery lata
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He was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to four years
Cuchnąłeś ginem czy czymś.
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You reeked like gin or something.
Atmosfera była napięta.
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The atmoshere was tense.
Czy jesteś zadowolony ze swoich zarobków?
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Are you satisfied with your wage?
Ujmę to tak
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Let me put it this way
Kobieta rzekomo (ponoć) zabiła męża za to, że nie pomagał w praniu
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Woman allegedly killed her husband for not helping with the laundry
Pomyliłem tego człowieka z moim wujem.
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I confused this man with my uncle.
Po co to było?
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What was that for?
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Policja znalazła domniemanego mordercę.
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Police found alleged murderer.
Nie wiem, w co się ubrać na imprezę. On nosi długą brodę.
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I'm not sure what to wear to the party. He wears a long beard
Uchodźcy powinni przyjąć nasze zasady.
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The refugees should adopt our rules.
Musisz spalić więcej kalorii niż przyjmujesz, to niepodważalne.
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You have to burn off more calories than you take in, it's indesputeable.
Wnieśli pozew przeciwko panu Brownowi.
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They brought a lawsuit against Mr Brown.
To wiele wyjaśnia.
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That explains a lot.
Znajomość języka obcego zwiększy Twoje szanse na zdobycie tej pracy.
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Knowledge of a foreign language will enhance your chances to get this job.
Powinniśmy podnieść jakość naszych produktów.
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We should enhance the quality of our products.
Istniały niezwykle ryzykowne kredyty hipoteczne typu subprime o zmiennym oprocentowaniu.
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There were extremely risky subprime adjustable-rate mortgage.
W zeszłym tygodniu mój brat i ja zorganizowaliśmy imprezę food truckową.
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Last week my brother and I held a food truck event.
Nie mają pojęcia o historii Anglii, musimy ją przedstawić (w skrócie)
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They have no idea about the history of England, we have to outline it.
Przezwyciężyła swój lęk wysokości.
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She overcame her fear of heights.
Ruch uliczny jest zablokowany z powodu wypadku.
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Traffic is stuck because of an accident.
Okno jest zablokowane. Czy możesz to naprawić?
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The window is stuck. Can you fix it?
Utknęliśmy w Atenach z powodu obfitego śniegu.
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We got stuck in Athens because of the heavy snow.
Pozuje do zdjęć jak modelka.
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She poses for photos like a model.
Dopadł pięciu moich ludzi i zabił ich.
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He hunted down five of my men and killed them.
Jestem daltonistą.
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I am colour-blind.
łatwizna, pikuś
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Rząd zgodził się na wycofanie zarzutów przeciwko trzem innym osobom.
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The Government has agreed to drop charges against three other people.
właśnie o to chodziło
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that's what i was going for
Podłącz kabel do gniazda.
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Plug the cable into the socket.
Upadłem i posiniaczyłem sobie biodro. Potem koziołkowałem przez ponad 50 metrów.
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I fell down and I bruised my hip. Then I was tumbling for over 50 metres.
Lidia zszyła moją kurtkę po wypadku.
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Lidia sewed my jacket after accident.
Musimy zszyć tę ranę.
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We need to stitch that wound.
Uciekł, ale policja ruszyła za nim w pościg.
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He ran away, but the police went after him.
Firma wyłudziła pieniądze od milionów ludzi.
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The company swindled money from millions of people.
Kiedy jesteś zarażony wirusem HIV, twoje ciało nie jest w stanie zwalczyć żadnej infekcji.
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When you have HIV your body can't fight off any infection.
Na trawniku jest rosa.
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There is a dew on a lawn.
Czy jest jakaś perspektywa poprawy sytuacji?
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Is there any prospect of the situation improving?
zaraz wracam
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I'll be right back
Czy kiedykolwiek przyznasz się do porażki?
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Will you ever concede defeat?
Przyznał się do zamordowania swojej żony.
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He confessed to murdering his wife.
Zyskałem przewagę w ostatniej rundzie.
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I gained the advantage during the last round.

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