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Domanda English Risposta English
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[c] a type of net made by a spider to catch insects
a spider's web
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[c] a farm animal whose skin is covered with wool
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an animal that looks like a large mouse and has a long tail
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a young dog
I was on the beach when my mobile phone rang. I knew that my mother was going to [tell] me that my puppy [was] dead, [so] I didn't answer the call.
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a young cow
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one of the body parts that a bird or insect uses to fly
creature ·
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anything that lives but is not a plant
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male and female cows kept on a farm for their milk or meat
He was born in Australia, where his father has a big cattle station.
goat ·
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an animal with horns which is kept to provide milk, meat, etc.
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a very large sea mammal that breathes air through a hole at the top of its head
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a male cow, or the male of particular animals such as the elephant or the whale
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a very small insect
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a small, black or red insect that lives in groups on the ground
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a young cat

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