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Domanda English Risposta English
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a man who works in business, especially if he has a high position in a company
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someone whose job is to clean houses, offices, public places, etc.
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someone who performs religious duties and ceremonies
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a business that provides a service
As you know I am employed in a travel agency and last week I started my new English class.
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[C or U] a period of time when people are not working because they want more money, better working conditions, etc.
Indeed, the bus company has plan[n]ed a strike.
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[C[an organization that represents people who do a particular job
Otherwise there will be some problems with trade unions.
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your job
You have to give your name, age and occupation on the application form.
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the people and activities involved in one type of business
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the person who is in charge of an organization or a part of an organization
He is head chef at a large restaurant.
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someone whose job is to show interesting places to visitors, or to help people get somewhere
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someone whose job is to protect a person, place or thing from danger or attack, or to prevent a person such as a criminal from escaping
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a police officer
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[U+singular or plural verb] So I told my father to tell the staff of the hotel.

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